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Poll Results

Australasia Server (12-Jun-2003)

Our new Australasia server has been running for a while now. We want to be sure our players from that part of the world are getting the benefit we hoped, so we are running a poll to check.

Please vote below to indicate how the new server performs for you. Whilst this server is primarily intended for Australasian players you can still vote no matter where you live, we will split the results by country later.

Total Number of Votes: 5699

Question 1 - 
Australasia Server
I can get a better connection off the other servers! 63% (3599 votes)
I find it about the same 22% (1280 votes)
I find it WAY better than the other servers! 8% (458 votes)
I find it slightly better than the other servers 6% (362 votes)