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Poll Results

The habit of a lifetime (01-Oct-2007)

The Poll Orks have a fair idea of your responses and reactions from the 'What would you do?' polls, and have written them all up in their ledger, ready to pass on to the mysterious being who asked for it.

That mysterious being is back, however, and is after some more information about you, the adventurers of RuneScape. This time it wants to know your player habits. What do you do in the first half hour for a session? Do you have an aim or objective before you log in? What are your hopes and aspirations?

Total Number of Votes: 72133

Question 1 - 
Think about the first half-hour of your average RuneScape session. Which of the following activities do you tend to take part in? (Click all those that apply)
I train a skill 50% (36422 votes)
I check if my friends are online/PM them 46% (33117 votes)
Go to the bank 41% (29659 votes)
I play any new content that has been released 23% (16377 votes)
I attack a creature for their drops 20% (14434 votes)
I try to find a quest that needs doing 16% (11506 votes)
I see what is going on in my favourite area 14% (10391 votes)
I play a minigame 14% (10002 votes)
I will do a bit of merchanting 11% (7884 votes)
I will check on my Tears of Guthix 8% (5616 votes)
I will check my Farming patches 8% (5575 votes)
I take on a Slayer task 8% (5518 votes)
I go player-killing 7% (4765 votes)
I will check on Miscellania 5% (3276 votes)
None of the above 4% (2682 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 2 - 
Think about the moment before you login to RuneScape. Do you, generally, have an aim or objective for that session?
I generally have an aim or objective before I login 35% (25540 votes)
I sometimes have an aim or objective before I login 33% (23566 votes)
I always have an aim or objective before I login 17% (12562 votes)
I rarely have an aim or objective before I login 9% (6620 votes)
I never have an aim or objective before I login 5% (3845 votes)
Question 3 - 
Which of these statements applies to you?
I raise my skills randomly/with no real pattern 39% (27936 votes)
I generally raise those skill levels that are content requirements 11% (8058 votes)
I generally train skills that are close to levelling up 9% (6687 votes)
I generally train my highest skills 9% (6379 votes)
I have a rota for training each specific skill 8% (5512 votes)
I try to train all of my skills to the same level 7% (5287 votes)
None of the above 6% (4637 votes)
I generally train whichever skill is easiest to train at that specific time 6% (4308 votes)
I generally train my lowest skills 5% (3329 votes)