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Poll Results

The 2007 RuneScape Awards! (02-Jan-2008)

As 2007 draws to a close, the Poll Orks are reminiscing. More often than not this is about their favourite meal of 2007, or their favourite squabble, but they have the beginnings of a good idea.

We want you to look back at our updates of 2007 - a year in which there has been more updates than any other - and pick your favourites. Which quest was the most enthralling? Which update hooked you from the start? Which website update has brought you the most pleasure?

And, of course, the most voted for options will give us a good idea of what you like. With that information, 2008 could be the best year yet...

Total Number of Votes: 113421

Question 1 - 
What was your favourite quest of 2007?
I have not played any of these quests 29% (32851 votes)
Fremennik Isles 14% (16333 votes)
Animal Magnetism 13% (14614 votes)
Cold War 7% (7792 votes)
King's Ransom 6% (6810 votes)
Tower of Life 6% (6733 votes)
Another Slice of H.A.M. 5% (5661 votes)
Dream Mentor 5% (5439 votes)
Great Brain Robbery 4% (4299 votes)
What Lies Below 3% (2850 votes)
Land of the Goblins 2% (2692 votes)
Contact! 2% (2112 votes)
Back to my Roots 1% (1411 votes)
Grim Tales 1% (1352 votes)
Olaf's Quest 1% (1265 votes)
Path of Glouphrie 1% (1207 votes)
Question 2 - 
What was your favourite non-quest update of 2007?
Grand Exchange 37% (41559 votes)
God Wars Dungeon 9% (9922 votes)
Clan Chat 7% (8367 votes)
Dark bow 5% (5697 votes)
Barbarian Assault 4% (4699 votes)
Clan Wars 4% (4292 votes)
Dragonfire shield 4% (4260 votes)
Other 4% (4239 votes)
Shop improvements 3% (3210 votes)
Pest Control update 3% (3059 votes)
Achievement Diary Varrock 2% (2625 votes)
Assist System 2% (2560 votes)
Hallowe'en 2007 2% (2343 votes)
ZMI Altar 2% (1934 votes)
Bounty Hunter 2% (1891 votes)
Duel Arena tournaments 1% (1677 votes)
POH room increase 1% (1482 votes)
Impetuous Impulses 1% (1353 votes)
LootShare 1% (1305 votes)
Sorceress's Garden 1% (1216 votes)
Barbarian Training 1% (1070 votes)
Player kit 1% (1070 votes)
Achievement Diary Karamja 1% (1038 votes)
Dorgesh-Kaan 1% (744 votes)
Easter 2007 1% (705 votes)
Jewellery update 1% (679 votes)
Lair of Tarn Razorlor 0% (239 votes)
Burgh De Rott Ramble 0% (186 votes)
Question 3 - 
What has been your favourite graphical update of 2007?
Varrock area improvement 34% (38592 votes)
God Wars Dungeon 17% (18844 votes)
Other 10% (11229 votes)
Clan Wars 9% (10029 votes)
Zombies, skeletons and ghosts improvement 9% (9749 votes)
Edgeville area improvement 6% (7294 votes)
Dogs, wolves and Canifis improvement 4% (4244 votes)
Bounty Hunter 3% (3745 votes)
Dorgesh-Kaan 2% (1837 votes)
Pirates and children improvement 2% (1764 votes)
Cold War 2% (1709 votes)
King's Ransom 1% (1500 votes)
Land of the Goblins 1% (1189 votes)
Lair of Tarn Razorlor 1% (682 votes)
Grim Tales 1% (583 votes)
Path of Glouphrie 0% (431 votes)
Question 4 - 
What update had your favourite music of 2007?
Other 43% (48521 votes)
God Wars 20% (22158 votes)
Varrock Area Improvement 15% (16886 votes)
Another Slice of HAM 4% (4889 votes)
What Lies Below 4% (4278 votes)
Dream Mentor 3% (3912 votes)
Impetuous Impulses 3% (3460 votes)
Great Brain Robbery 3% (3112 votes)
Land of the Goblins 2% (2687 votes)
Grim Tales 2% (2431 votes)
Path of Glouphrie 1% (1087 votes)
Question 5 - 
What was your favourite website update of 2007?
Development Diaries 24% (27071 votes)
Other 19% (21444 votes)
New poll system 16% (17785 votes)
Guaranteed Content Polls 14% (15802 votes)
Players' Gallery 14% (15503 votes)
German RuneScape launch 6% (6922 votes)
Return of the Lores and Histories 5% (5198 votes)
Revamped Postbag from the Hedge 3% (3696 votes)