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Player Submitted Poll #20 (12-Apr-2010)

Greetings, pollsters!

We've had a steady flow of your question suggestions coming into the polls inbox over the last few weeks, and when you've got that many interesting questions on hand waiting to be asked, they've just got to be published!

In this weeks' Player Submitted Poll: What informs your training decisions? Are you a forum-fanatic? What's your inner monster? Do you get distracted easily? The answers to all these questions lie within, so get voting now! Don't forget you can discuss our polls on the official forums at QFC: 29-30-836-60557095. And do keep those question suggestions coming to our email inbox - we love them!

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 33509

Question 1 - 
When deciding to train your skills, what factor is generally most important to you? - PlqX
How much money you will make/lose 32% (10646 votes)
XP gain rate 28% (9346 votes)
How fun you find it 27% (9069 votes)
None of the above 4% (1481 votes)
How easy it is 3% (980 votes)
How much you need the item you are producing 3% (928 votes)
I don't know 2% (548 votes)
How close you are to a related training spot 2% (511 votes)
Question 2 - 
How active are you on the forums? - Mr Astronoma
I sometimes create a thread and follow it for a little while 27% (9016 votes)
I don't post loads - maybe only on big threads 22% (7232 votes)
I have never posted on the forums! 17% (5697 votes)
I just check on my active threads and post if anyone's replied 11% (3665 votes)
I usually log in and post at least once a day 11% (3522 votes)
Eh? Forums? 9% (2955 votes)
All the time! I'm a forum legend! 4% (1339 votes)
I'm F2P and unable to post 0% (83 votes)
Question 3 - 
If you could turn into one of the following creatures for the day and terrorise all of Gielinor, which would you choose? - Sacred_Wales
Grim Reaper 33% (11207 votes)
Bob the Cat 19% (6373 votes)
Penguin 18% (6010 votes)
Werewolf 8% (2591 votes)
I am not that nasty! 6% (2065 votes)
Vampire 6% (1966 votes)
I don't know 4% (1251 votes)
Black Knight 3% (1164 votes)
Zombie 3% (882 votes)
Question 4 - 
What's your favourite Distraction and Diversion? - Fedek21
Treasure Trails 30% (10139 votes)
Penguin Hide and Seek 27% (8972 votes)
Evil Tree 10% (3351 votes)
Balthazar Beauregard's Big Top Bonanza 8% (2665 votes)
Tears of Guthix 7% (2455 votes)
Shooting Star 6% (2075 votes)
Fish Flingers 4% (1278 votes)
Shattered Heart 3% (1021 votes)
Champions' Challenge 2% (681 votes)
Familiarisation 2% (650 votes)
Phoenix Lair 1% (222 votes)