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It Takes All Sorts (04-May-2010)

Have you ever heard the old saying, "One man's food is another man's poison"? As well as being the very literal slogan for some of the less reputable food establishments in the Barbarian Village, it's also a saying that explains how everyone has different tastes.

It's sometimes said that there's a triumvirate of viewpoints that vie for control over the world. Three ways of seeing the world that define our actions. Do you believe there is a right and a wrong way to do things? Or maybe you prefer just "going with the flow". Perhaps you simply love nothing more than seeing utter bedlam unfold.

This poll is just for fun, but hopefully it will get you thinking about an important question: How do I see the world?

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 9950

Question 1 - 
You see a grotty little dog wandering around outside of the Grand Exchange. Do you:
Leave it be - the dog has the same rights as I do. It's practically a four-legged version of me! 42% (4212 votes)
Try to find it a home - a stray dog is a problem waiting to be solved! 30% (3001 votes)
Wouldn't it be great if I could annoy that dog so it started biting people... 28% (2737 votes)
Question 2 - 
You find yourself competing with a fellow adventurer for a resource. Do you:
Agree to take turns in an effort to keep things even. Life's too short. Rather like Gnomes! 55% (5489 votes)
Demand they leave - you're clearly more important than them and they should know their place! 27% (2728 votes)
Settle this in a PvP world with a fight that can only be described as "carnage". 17% (1733 votes)
Question 3 - 
You're on a Quest and you realise you need some assistance to help you complete it. Do you:
Ask around your Friends List for some help. After all, you've always tried to help them. 81% (8070 votes)
Hunt down a victim, get the help you need and then PK them on the way home. Bwahaha! 11% (1102 votes)
Forcibly volunteer someone. The day you asked them for help will be the greatest day of their life! 8% (778 votes)
Question 4 - 
Two players are having a dispute. Do you:
Avoid the situation - whatever they decide will be the right thing. Plus, conflict gives you hives. 48% (4789 votes)
Escalate the arguement so it can only be resolved in the Duel Arena. Death and glory! 27% (2730 votes)
Wade right in and tell them just what to do. You're the brains AND the beauty, right? 24% (2431 votes)
Question 5 - 
Your group is finally at the deepest levels of Daemonheim. Your group is running low on food. Do you:
Share it out nice and even. After all - we fight together, we die together! Well, hopefully not die. 47% (4646 votes)
Give it only to those that have put the work in. This isn't a charity event - it's serious business! 33% (3308 votes)
Om nom nom nom. I'm stuffed! You look angry. What's up? 20% (1996 votes)
Question 6 - 
You've come into some money and decide to start constructing a house. Do you try and build:
A house that simply serves the needs of yourself and others. "Mi casa es su casa!" 39% (3865 votes)
The most insanely ornate and opulent house you can, as a testamment to your greatness. 35% (3476 votes)
A house that is wall-to-wall death-traps and monsters. Comfort is overrated, maiming is fun! 26% (2609 votes)