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Poll Results

Are you a lone ranger? (21-May-2007)

Do you player-kill in the Wilderness with friends? Do you take on the quests with a friend in tow? Do you prefer to be cutting willows with a friend to chat to? We would love to know just how much of a community gamer you are, as this may well have an influence on future releases.

Keep voting to really make a difference in RuneScape!

Total Number of Votes: 95254

Question 1 - 
How often do you play through quests with friends?
Sometimes when I play a quest 53% (50707 votes)
I never play a quest with friends 31% (29644 votes)
Most of the time I play a quest 9% (8883 votes)
I don't play quests 3% (3297 votes)
Every time I play a quest 3% (2723 votes)
Question 2 - 
How often do you train your skills with friends?
Sometimes when I train my skills 56% (52957 votes)
Most of the time I train my skills 20% (19475 votes)
I never train skills with friends 18% (17561 votes)
Every time I train my skills 4% (4258 votes)
I don't train any skills 1% (1003 votes)
Question 3 - 
How often do you player-kill with friends?
I don't player-kill 30% (28594 votes)
Sometimes when I player-kill 21% (20278 votes)
Most of the time I player-kill 20% (19216 votes)
Every time I player-kill 18% (17538 votes)
I never player-kill with friends 10% (9628 votes)