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Player-Submitted Polls #17 (20-May-2009)

The poll orks have been trawling through your questions, and this time they want to know more about the key aspects of RuneScape, from guilds to minigames to clans. Here are some of the best player-submitted questions.

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 70954

Question 1 - 
Which of the following guilds would you like to see in the future? - Dangersoul3
Slayer 21% (15226 votes)
Other 12% (8665 votes)
Construction 11% (8001 votes)
Thieving 11% (7831 votes)
Agility 10% (7381 votes)
Summoning 10% (7248 votes)
Hunter 8% (5785 votes)
Farming 7% (4712 votes)
Herblore 5% (3633 votes)
I don't know 3% (2472 votes)
Question 2 - 
What is your favourite aspect of the RuneScape minigames? - Chaos7922
Experience rewards 38% (26956 votes)
Item rewards 25% (17625 votes)
Fun gameplay 15% (10390 votes)
Player vs. player 8% (5816 votes)
Team work 6% (3962 votes)
I don't play any RuneScape minigames 5% (3282 votes)
Challenge 3% (2248 votes)
Other 1% (675 votes)
Question 3 - 
Are you in a clan? - Jon_Borth
Yes 36% (25748 votes)
No, but I have been in one in the past 34% (23900 votes)
No, and I never have been in one 24% (17346 votes)
Other 3% (2163 votes)
I don't know 3% (1797 votes)
Question 4 - 
What are your main reasons for playing RuneScape? (Please choose all options that apply)- Goey999
Skills 60% (42857 votes)
Friends 53% (37271 votes)
Items 41% (29278 votes)
Quests 41% (29094 votes)
Other 31% (21933 votes)
Minigames 29% (20239 votes)
Being the best 27% (19350 votes)
I don't know 7% (4893 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 5 - 
Which factors determine where you train a skill? (Please choose all options that apply) - Rickieage10
Convenience of a bank 71% (50687 votes)
Convenience of resources (ores, monsters, trees, etc.) 67% (47860 votes)
Small quantities of other players (less competition for resources, quieter, etc.) 58% (41440 votes)
Large amount of space (e.g. Firemaking at the Grand Exchange) 25% (17720 votes)
Other 23% (16302 votes)
Convenience of a store (general store, Grand Exchange, etc.) 23% (16061 votes)
Visual attractiveness of the area 19% (13462 votes)
Large quantities of other players (for trading, chatting, etc.) 15% (10914 votes)
I train wherever I happen to be at the time 15% (10802 votes)
You need to be there for a particular quest 14% (10079 votes)
I don't know 4% (3019 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.