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The Next Interview Video (06-Apr-2010)

Judging by the response to our latest video on the RuneScape YouTube channel (where TehNoobShow and Excl grill Jagex CEO, Mod MMG), you're probably keen to see some more burning questions directed at the various teams within Jagex. Well, given that we love making videos and you love the forum Q&A sessions we've been running over the last few months, we think it's high time we married the two up and launched some video Q&A sessions! And the best bit is - you get to choose what order we do them in!

So, who do you want to hear from first? Here's a quick explanation of who's on offer and what each team does:

Audio - the audio team are all about atmosphere and mood setting. They play a crucial part in the RuneScape experience by producing the iconic tunes that form the backdrop to your adventures, as well as all of the immersive effects that help you know what's going on in the game. So if you want to know whats involved in making that catchy tune or how on earth they reproduce the sound of a King Black Dragon dying, this is the team to ask!

Community Management - the team responsible for communicating player feedback, supporting players with the latest updates, producing videos, organising competitions and supporting moderators, fansites, events and creative gameplay. Yes, the CM team often have their work cut out for them! If you have a question about any of the things they're involved in, they'll only be too happy to answer!

Content Design - they come up with the ideas behind the stuff you love to play. Obviously they won't be able to spill the beans on the new skill or tell you what's exactly on the horizon, but they will be able to give you an insight into their design process, including why they make the decisions they do and what goes into coming up with a fun and balanced piece of content.

Graphics - they're the folks who make the magic happen, turning the ideas of Content into a reality with their mastery of special effects, character design and location setting. Again, they won't be able to furnish you with all the secrets of future content, but they can give you a unique insight into the challenges they face producing amazing results inside the RuneScape game engine and how they go about creating the immersive worlds you like to visit.

Player Support - the team responsible for reviewing your password requests, abuse reports and offence appeals, as well as sorting out billing issues and futhering our anti-cheating initiatives. They won't be able to answer questions about specific accounts but if you want to know what makes them tick or how they deal with such an incredible workload, these are the guys to ask!

Quality Assurance - our trusty QA team has the vital responsibility of ensuring that our new content is all working correctly before release, as well as dealing with any reports of bugs that arise with old content when the game is updated. If it's broke, they'll get it fixed - ask them how!

Translation - we run the game in German, French and Portuguese. Everything that comes out in the English game needs to work perfectly and make sense in all the different language versions of RuneScape. This is the team to ask if you have questions about how much work is involved in making this incredible feat happen, or what challenges they face in getting that unique English humour to work across all of our supported languages!

So now you know which teams are on offer and what they each do - you'll have to choose which team you want to hear from first. Get voting!

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 22722

Question 1 - 
Which department would you most like to see featured in our next video?
Content Design 40% (9167 votes)
Graphics 32% (7362 votes)
Player Support 9% (2009 votes)
Community Management 7% (1510 votes)
Audio 5% (1120 votes)
Quality Assurance 3% (786 votes)
Translation 3% (768 votes)