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Guaranteed Content: Recolouring (16-Feb-2010)

If you've played Barbarian Assault recently, you'll know about Commander Connad's offer to recolour any abyssal whips you may have. Well, the offer has proved popular enough for him to expand his enterprise to include another item. The question is: what item to include?

It is up to you to decide which of the items below should have recolouring options. The winning item will receive a similar number of recolouring options as the abyssal whip (roughly four or five) in a future game update. Once the recolouring options are released, you will need to take the relevant item to Commander Connad in Barbarian Assault and pay him a fee. A painted item will be untradeable and will have no effect on its potency in combat. To return the item to its original colour, you will simply need to apply a cleaning cloth to it. The alternative colours for an item will be suitable and not garish (unless the infinity robes are chosen!); so, the dark bow will have 'dark' colour options, for example.

As you may have noticed, we have not featured items made of wood or metal. We are unable to recolour wood or metal, as the strength of these items are determined by their colour: a red 'dragon' armour is more powerful than a blue 'rune' armour, for example. Recolouring these items would confuse players and affect elements of the game like player-vs-player combat.

Total Number of Votes: 90152

Question 1 - 
Which item would you most like Commander Connad to offer to recolour?
Dark bow 24% (21436 votes)
Crystal bow 20% (18293 votes)
Infinity robes 19% (16975 votes)
Robin Hood hat 16% (14175 votes)
Lunar attire 9% (8549 votes)
Pet rock 8% (6899 votes)
Lunar staff 4% (3825 votes)