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Having Troubles With Spanish?

27-Oct-2009 22:33:45
Last edited on 28-Oct-2009 11:20:57 by Mod�Achilles
Hello and welcome to my thread "Having Troubles With Spanish?"

This thread is dedicated to the people who have difficults with the spanish language.

Do you need any help with sentences in spanish, conjugation of verbs or meanings?

Don�t worry! You found the right place!

Feel free to post your doubts about spanish and get the best translations! :D


P.S: Plz don�t post any offensive concepts to be translated in spanish

P.S 2: Anybody can help people to resolve and translate the spanish doubts :D

EDIT: This will be the only English thread apart from the sticky "English+Spanish Friendly Thread":

Quick find code: 138-139-62-59806994

Good jobs JoanCamil0


27-Oct-2009 22:33:52
Last edited on 29-Nov-2009 18:57:23 by Juan�Camil0
Polite Basic Phrases

Hi = Hola
Good morning = Buenos D�as
God eftermiddag = Buenas Tardes
Good evening = Buenas Noches
Good Night = Buenas Noches
How are you? = �C�mo est�s?
Good, thank you! = Bien, �Gracias!
Goodbye = Adios, Hasta Luego

Yes = S�
No = No
Thank you = Gracias
You're welcome = De nada, Con Gusto, No hay de que
Excuse me = Perd�n
My name is = Me llamo, Mi no|V|bre es

What is your name? = �C�mo te llamas? , �Cu�l es tu primer no1V1bre?

I don't understand = No entiendo
I speak a little spanish = Hablo un poco espa�ol, Hablo solo un poquito espa�ol.

Please = Por favor
Thank you (very much) = Muchas Gracias

27-Oct-2009 22:34:00
Last edited on 24-Dec-2009 19:07:59 by Juan�Camil0
Polite in Runescape

Hello, how are you? = Hola, �C�mo estas?
Good and you? = Bien �y t�?
What is your level of...? = �Cu�l es tu nivel de...?
My level is... = Mi nivel es...
My Agility level is... = Mi nivel de Agility es...
What are you doing? = �Qu� est�s haciendo?
Where is the bank? = Donde queda el banco?
Can you lend me your ...? = �Me puedes prestar tu ...?
Have you done the quest ...? = �Has hecho el quest de ...?
Can you help me with the ... quest? = �Me puedes ayudar en el quest de ...?
Do you want to buy? = �Qui�res comprar?
I will buy your ... = Te comprar� tu ...
Can you teleport me to ...? = �Me puedes hacer teleport a ...?
Do you know where can I find ...? = Sabes donde puedo encontrar ....?
You can find it in... = Lo puedes encontrar en ...


North = Norte
South = Sur
East = Este/Oriente
West = Oeste/Occidente

27-Oct-2009 22:34:06

27-Oct-2009 22:34:13

27-Oct-2009 22:34:20

27-Oct-2009 22:34:26

27-Oct-2009 22:34:32
Last edited on 14-Dec-2009 16:22:33 by Juan�Camil0

The key to understanding which preposition to use is to think of the meaning you want to convey.
If I use a phrase such as "three for a dollar" in English, the "for" has a different meaning than it does in "this book is for you."

In the first case, "for" indicates an exchange or a rate, while in the second case it indicates an intention or direction. Thus the Spanish translation of the two phrases are different, "tres por un d�lar" and "este libro es para ti.


-Expressing movement along, through, around, by or about: Anduve por las calles de la ciudad. I walked through the streets of the city.

-Denoting a time or duration when something occurs. Viajamos por tres semanas. We're traveling for three weeks.

-Expressing the cause not the purpose) of an action: Me ca� por la nieve. I fell down because of the snow.

-Meaning per: Dos por ciento.Two percent.

-Meaning supporting or in favor of: Trabajamos por derechos humanos. We work for human rights.

-Introducing the agent of an action after a passive verb: Fue escrito por Bob Woodward. It was written by Bob Woodward.

-Indicating means of transportation: Viajar� por avi�n. I will travel by plane.

-Used in numerous expressions: Por ejemplo. For example. Por favor. Please.


-Meaning for the purpose of or in order to: Para bailar la bamba, necesita una poca de gracia. In order to dance the bamba you need a little grace.

-With a noun or pronoun as object, meaning for the benefit of or directed to: Es para usted. It's for you.

-Meaning to or in the direction of when referring to a specific place: Voy para Europa. I'm heading to Europe.

-Meaning by or for when referring to a specific time: Necesito el regalo para ma�ana. I need the gift for tomorrow. Vamos a la casa de mi madre para el fin de semana. We're going to my mother's for the weekend.

27-Oct-2009 22:34:39
Last edited on 03-Nov-2009 04:07:42 by Juan�Camil0
Some spanish words are marked with a "tilde" ` that indicates the acent of the word. Of course not all words have tilde, there are gramatical rule for it.

If you know those rules, you can type the tilde in the next way:


160= �
130= �
161= �
162= �
163= �
164= �
129= �
168= �
173= �

0193= �
144 = �
0205= �
0211= �
0218= �

27-Oct-2009 22:34:53
Last edited on 08-Nov-2009 02:26:38 by Juan�Camil0
Grammar rule for the tilde:

If the word ends in a vowel, "s" or "n", the stress should be on the second-to-last syllable. If not, an accent belongs on the syllable that has the stress. If it ends in any consonant other than an "s" or "n", the stress goes on the last syllable. If not, the accent goes on that.

Sometimes, in words like "t�a" or "ciencias", the "ien" or "ia" are considered as one syllable. Also, there are words like "si" and "s�". The words mean different things if the accent mark is on a different letter, so be careful!

When you use the word "si" wihtout the tilde on the "i" you are using the condicional word "if". Example:

Si Mod Achilles postea en este hilo, yo vendr� y leer�.

Now, when you use the word "s�" with tilde on the "i" you are using the affirmative english word "yes". Example:

�Vendr� Mod Achilles hoy? S�, �l dijo que vendr� lo m�s pronto posible.

thanks to iAstro129 and V_R4ng3r_V2 for it :)

A similar case happen when you want to explain someting or ask for something.

When you use the word "porque" without tilde on the "e" you are explaining something and in this case "porque = because". Example:

Yo soy rico en runescape porque.....

When you use the word "por qu�" with tilde on the "e" you are asking for something. Notice that the word "por" is separated from "qu�" because you need to do it to give the sense of a question in spanish. Example:

�Por qu� Achilles es el mejor jmod de todos?

Of course, there are more grammatical rules for the tilde. it's a basic one! :)
Quick find code: 213-214-4-60838520