RuneScape Developers' Blogs [Tag: clansubmission] http://services/m=devblog/?tag_id=81 Welcome to the Developer Blogs. This section of the website contains articles delving behind the scenes here at Jagex. Each article will showcase a particular project related to RuneScape or the people whose work you don't get to see. Every one of them works hard towards making RuneScape the best it possibly can be, and to make Jagex a great place to work. http://services/m=devblog/RuneScape Developer Blogshttp://site/img/devblog/feed_logo.png en Community Management: Clan Submissions Page http://services/m=devblog/ Mod Timbo Thu, 03 Jun 2010 17:47:42 BST clan clansubmission jagexcup Community Management: Clan Submissions Page http://services/m=devblog/ In this edition of the clan blog, we have an interview with Mod Mat K on clans, information on this year's Jagex Cup and much more... ]]> Mod Timbo Fri, 30 Apr 2010 17:10:53 BST clan clansubmission players Community Management: Clan Submissions Page http://services/m=devblog/ In this edition of the clan blog, we have an interview with the 2009 Jagex Cup winners 'The Titans', clan art from Oblivion, MaSoRS, Avon and Nova as well as much more... ]]> Mod Timbo Fri, 26 Mar 2010 14:50:19 GMT clan clansubmission community players Community Management: Clan Submissions Page http://services/m=devblog/ Mod Timbo Fri, 05 Mar 2010 15:50:23 GMT clan clansubmission community players Community Management: Clan Submissions Page http://services/m=devblog/ Mod Timbo Fri, 29 Jan 2010 15:03:43 GMT clan clansubmission community players Community Management: Clan Submissions Page http://services/m=devblog/ Mod Timbo Tue, 22 Dec 2009 13:02:25 GMT clan clansubmission community players