Creature of Fenkenstrain (Members)

Dr Fenkenstrain, master and sole occupant of the castle to the north east of Canifis, needs a new servant to go on a dark errand for him.

Do you have the stomach to help Fenkenstrain pursue his twisted purpose?
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Signpost in the centre of Canifis
To Start: Read the signpost
Quest Length: Medium
Minimum Requirements:
Priest In Peril
The Restless Ghost
Level 20 Crafting
Level 25 Thieving
Able to defeat a level 51 monster
Inside Dr Fenkenstrain's castle

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Items Other Quest points

1000 Thieving

Ring of Charos - makes all werewolves believe the wearer is a werewolf

Wearing the Ring of Charos enables access to the Werewolf Agility/Skullball area.

2 QP
Development Team
Developer: Martin B
Graphics: Tom W, Neil R
Quality Assurance: Andrew C
QuestHelp: Luke M
Audio: Ian T