Stronghold of Player Safety


Visiting one of the Inmates
RuneScape can be a dangerous place, and many of the more civilised races dislike the very idea that their families may be at risk. To counteract this, a prison was once built beneath the earth, in a region where few would willingly venture. This prison was lost to time, unfortunately, as the guards grew bored and wandered off, and strange creatures made it their home.

In modern times, it has been rediscovered, and has become a place of education - well, sort of. Above this prison is the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence, where young adventurers are sent to test whether they know how to keep themselves safe in RuneScape. Attached is a new prison, with gublinch crowding the cells. Those who pass muster may, if they choose, then venture deeper into the old prison, where great rewards may await...


Location of the Stronghold
The Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence is nestled snugly between Barbarian Village and Edgeville. To gain access, you must first descend into the new, gublinch-filled prison, which you can reach through the cellar door to the west. There, you can see the hideous crimes that the gublinch have committed. Players aged 13 or under must pass a test to gain access, so they should speak to the guard to enter the training centre.

Points of Interest

An overview of the Jail
When you first enter the new prison, you will see a row of cells inhabited by gublinch. Before young players can enter the prison, they will have to pass a test. Before the guard will let you into the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence, you must read each of the plaques on the cell doors. Note well how the horrid gublinch have no respect for good manners! Be appalled at their attempts to endanger innocent adventurers! Reel at the smell of their contemptible crimes! When you have read each plaque, have a chat with the guard, who will tell you to head up the stairs and into the training centre.

The Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence itself is much as you might expect: several tables with people sitting tests, and a pacing professor, Professor Henry, who will ask you a few questions. Assuming you get them right, he will reward you with two magical lamps, a new emote and permission to enter the cockroach- and mugger-filled ruins of the old prison.

First floor of the Stronghold
Older players and those who have passed the test can access the old prison through the new one, by searching the poster in the only empty cell.

You will enter on the middle floor of the prison and, initially, it won't seem too much different from any prison that lets its prisoners run the place. The muggers should prove little challenge for most, and, even after venturing further and discovering the decay and rot that has set in, the cockroach drones are little more threat. To the east is a small network of caves dug out by the cockroaches, and inhabited by the larger, more dangerous workers.

There are numerous stairs around this floor, although most head to the bottom floor. If you wish to go to the top floor, head for the north-east corner.

The ground floor of the prison is much the same as the floor above, as the cells give way to the more organic shapes of the cockroach caves.

Ground floor
Second floor

Bonus area of the Stronghold
The top floor is a different scene: in the transformed chamber to the north, populated by some nasty cockroach soldiers, is a rope leading to the surface. If you leave by this route you will be free to enter this way, which is convenient for those who wish to train on the cockroaches that can be found almost everywhere.

On your travels around the prison, you will probably notice a couple of locked doors, which can be opened if you find and pull a lever somewhere in the prison. Going through one of these doors will lead you to a separate chamber:

This area is populated by cockroach soldiers, but also conceals a chest filled with loot for the determined adventurer.


Professor Henry
Professor Henry has presumably earned his title, and now makes use of it by making sure that the youth of RuneScape know how to keep themselves safe. It's an important job, and comes with an important-looking hat!
Professor Henry can be found in the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence.


There are no quests to start in the Stronghold of Player Safety.
The Inmates

Mugger (Level 6)
If a thief lacks the required dexterity to pick pockets and locks, or is simply too violent as a person, they will more than likely become a mugger. These callous men try to beat the gold out of their victims, but they are no more dangerous than giant rats.
Cockroach drone (Level 8)
Vile, scuttling creatures, cockroaches love nothing more than living in filth and generally eating everything they come across. The drones are the smallest of their kind, and most adventurers shouldn't need more than a good stiff shoe to deal with them.
Muggers can be found at the entrance to the old prison.
Cockroach worker (Level 56)
Larger, meaner and smellier than the drones, the cockroach workers are responsible for the tunnel system that has grown out from the old prison. They use filthy mandibles and wretched forelimbs to carve out the stones and dirt before covering it in a sickly green slime.
Cockroach soldier (Level 83)
If it's possible to be scared of a cockroach, it's because of the soldiers. They guard the important areas of their nest with their especially vicious mouth-parts and stony carapace.


  • Cockroach drones are a good source of drops for new players, especially because they are relatively simple opponents.