
Easy Tasks


Quests Started / Required

Skill / Other Requirements

Have Wizard Cromperty teleport you to the essence mine
Rune Mysteries None

Attempt to steal from any stall in Ardougne Market, or from any guard
None 5 [Image: Thieving]

Sell silk to the silk trader in Ardougne for 60gp each
None None

Use the altar in West Ardougne's church
Plague City None

Enter the Castle Wars waiting room
None None

Go out fishing on the Fishing Trawler
None 15 [Image: Fishing]

Enter the Combat Training Camp north of Ardougne
Biohazard None

Talk to a civilian in West Ardougne about selling a cat
Gertrude's Cat
Plague City

Kill a unicow in the Tower of Life
Tower of Life None

Get a civilian to throw a tomato at the army recruiter in West Ardougne
Plague City None

Sail from East Ardougne to Karamja
None None

Attempt to picklock a certain door east of the gem stall in Ardougne's marketplace
None 16 [Image: Thieving]

Spend some Penguin Points with Larry (or Chuck) at Ardougne Zoo
None Talk to Larry in Ardougne Zoo

Use the Summoning obelisk to the east of the Fight Arena
Wolf Whistle None

Pop a balloon in the monastery south of Ardougne
Monk's Friend None

Buy a water-filled vial from the general store run by Aemad and Kortan
None None

Use the noticeboard near in the Observatory to gather information about shooting stars
None None

Kill something on the Khazard Battlefield
None None

Buy a skewered kebab from the Poison Arrow pub
None None

View the Hunter equipment in Aleck's shop
None None

Talk to the head servant at the servants' guild to find out about servants for your house
None None

Use a ring of duelling to teleport to Castle Wars
None None

Talk to Tindel Marchant about identifying swords
None None

Click the box below to see the rewards for completing the easy tasks:
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Ardougne cloak When worn:
Unlimited teleports to the monastery south of Ardougne
More of the drops from Tower of Life creatures are noted
Reduced chance of being caught when stealing from the stalls in Ardougne market
Receive 200 death runes when trading a cat to the citizens of West Ardougne

Experience lamp - 1,000 experience in the skill of your choice
A 10% Prayer boost when entering Castle Wars

Medium Tasks


Quests Started / Required

Skill / Other Requirements

Enter the unicorn pen in Ardougne Zoo using the fairy rings
Fairy Tale Part II - Cure a Queen None

Teleport to the Wilderness using the lever in Ardougne
None None

Grapple over Yanille's south wall
None 39 [Image: Agility]
21 [Image: Ranged]
38 [Image: Strength]

Craft some runes at Ourania Altar
None A high combat level is recommended

Sell some rubium to Ezekial Lovecraft in Witchaven
Kennith's Concerns 46 [Image: Mining]

Pick watermelons from the Farming patch north of Ardougne
None 47 [Image: Farming]

Cast the Ardougne Teleport spell
Plague City 51 [Image: Magic]

Travel to Castle Wars by hot-air balloon
Enlightened Journey 50 [Image: Firemaking]

Claim buckets of sand from Bert in Yanille
Hand in the Sand None

After Meeting History, return to the past and talk to Sarah about Herblore
Meeting History None

Catch a fish at the Fishing Platform using either a net or rod
Sea Slug 3 [Image: Fishing]

Cross the River Dougne using the log balance
None 33 [Image: Agility]

Pickpocket the master farmer north of Ardougne
None 38 [Image: Thieving]

Attempt to steal a nature rune from a chest in Ardougne
None 28 [Image: Thieving]

Mine some coal from the rocks east of Ardougne
None 30 [Image: Mining]

Kill a swordchick in the Tower of Life
Tower of Life None

Click the box below to see the rewards for completing the medium tasks:
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Ardougne cloak
In addition to the easy tasks' reward, when worn:

A daily teleport to the Farming patch north of Ardougne
Wizard Cromperty will give you 100 noted essence per day
Ability to toggle the ring of life to Ardougne
If you use the lever in Ardougne to teleport to the Wilderness, you'll receive 10 seconds of immunity
Even more of the drops from Tower of Life creatures are noted
Reduced chance of being caught when picking pockets in Ardougne
Chance of receiving more runes from Ourania Altar

Experience lamp - 7,500 experience in the skill of your choice

Hard Tasks


Quests Started / Required

Skill / Other Requirements

Recharge a bracelet of combat or a necklace of skills at the Legends' Guild
Legends' Quest None

Kill a shadow warrior in the Legends' Guild basement
Legends' Quest None

Enter the Magic Guild in Yanille
None 66 [Image: Magic]

Use the portal in the Magic Guild to teleport to Thormac's tower
None 66 [Image: Magic]

Be on the winning side in a game of Castle Wars
None None

Cast the Ourania Teleport spell
Lunar Diplomacy 71 [Image: Magic]

Pickpocket a watchman in Yanille while wearing gloves of silence
None 65 [Image: Thieving]
54 [Image: Hunter]

Kill a frogeel in the Tower of Life
Tower of Life A high combat level is recommended

Have a zookeeper put you in Ardougne Zoo's monkey cage
Monkey Madness None

Kill your own jade vine after the Back to my Roots quest
Back to my Roots 59 [Image: Slayer]

Use the Air Guitar emote near the musician outside the monastery south of Ardougne
None Unlock 500 music tracks

Cast the Watchtower Teleport spell
Watchtower 58 [Image: Magic]

Cross the monkey bars in the Yanille Agility Dungeon
None 57 [Image: Agility]

Catch a red salamander from the Hunter area outside of Ourania Altar
None 59 [Image: Hunter]

Pick a papaya or coconut from the fruit tree patch near Tree Gnome Village
None 57 [Image: Farming]

Attempt to steal blood runes from the chest in the chaos druid tower's dungeon
None 59 [Image: Thieving]

Use a catapult in Castle Wars after gaining the knowledge from the Catapult Construction quest
Catapult Construction None

Click the box below to see the rewards for completing the hard tasks:
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Ardougne cloak
In addition to the easy and medium tasks' reward, when worn:

Wizard Cromperty will give you 150 noted essence per day
Ability to toggle the Watchtower Teleport to inside Yanille
After thieving from the chests in Ardougne Castle or under the chaos druids' tower, you will be teleported to East Ardougne's northernmost bank instead of to a random location
Yet more of the drops from Tower of Life creatures are noted
Reduced chance of being caught when picking pockets or stealing from stalls anywhere in RuneScape

Experience lamp - 28,000 experience in the skill of your choice

Elite Tasks


Quests Started / Required

Skill / Other Requirements

Catch a manta ray in the Fishing Trawler
None 81 [Image: Fishing]

Have an abyssal titan familiar hold essence for you, while runecrafting at Ourania Altar
Wolf Whistle 93 [Image: Summoning]

Attempt to picklock the door to the basement in Yanille Agility Dungeon
None 82 [Image: Thieving]

Remove pure essence from a giant pouch at Ourania Altar
Rune Mysteries
Abyss miniquest
75 [Image: Runecrafting]

Make a rune crossbow yourself, from scratch, performing each step within either Witchaven or Yanille
None 91 [Image: Smithing]
69 [Image: Fletching]

Click the box below to see the rewards for completing the elite tasks:
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Ardougne cloak
In addition to the easy, medium and hard tasks' reward, when worn:

Unlimited teleports to the Farming patch north of Ardougne

4x Experience lamps - 50,000 experience each in the skill of your choice

For more information about East Ardougne, West Ardougne and the surrounding areas, please see the Area Guides.