Champions' Challenge

Champions' Challenge is only accessible to RuneScape Members. Please subscribe to get this feature.

Please note this is a 'Dangerous' Distraction and Diversion. If you die during this Distraction and Diversion, you will lose your items.


The Champions' Challenge Arena
Various races around RuneScape have chosen their bravest and strongest champions to fight for them in an arena beneath the Champions' Guild.

Around the edges of the arena are sat mystery figures, the 'Champions of Champions'. A mighty Champion of Champions may deem to challenge you after you have fought a number of the lower champions.

The lower champions aren't worthy enough to have a seat in the arena, but will challenge you when you have made yourself known as an enemy of their race. While fighting your way through the different monsters of RuneScape, you may find that one drops a message from a champion, challenging you to a duel.

A champion's scroll
These drops are totally random, so finding a champion's message after a battle will be rare. This makes it very difficult to defeat all of the lower champions.

Once you have been challenged, take your scroll to the arena to await your duel. When you have fought and defeated one of the lower champions, you will not be able to receive another scroll from the same race.


The Champions' Challenge arena is located under the Champions' Guild. To access the arena you have to go down through the trapdoor under the stairs.

A bracelet of combat will teleport you directly to the guild.


You must have 33 Quest Points in order to enter the Champions' Guild.

Recommended Items

Every champion you face will have conditions for that battle.

For example, when fighting the Lesser Demon Champion, you cannot bring weapons or armour to aid you in this battle.

Please note: If you die in the Champions' Challenge arena, you will die as normal, losing your items and returning to your chosen respawn point in Lumbridge, Falador, Soul Wars or Camelot.

The Challenge

Once you enter the arena, you'll meet the doorman Larxus, your point of contact for all champion fights. He has an informal challenge from the Leprechaun Champion if you want to get a taste of what fighting a champion is like - no scroll required! Incidentally, no items will be allowed either.

Monster Level Restriction
32 No items.

Larxus will also happily accept your champions' challenges, so use your champion scroll on him if you wish to fight. He will inform you that the champion of that race has challenged you, and is ready for the duel. He will then tell you the conditions for this battle, giving you one last chance to back out. If you accept, you have to go through a trapdoor behind the champion statue to enter the arena. Now go through the door and begin your fight!

As you defeat more and more champions' scrolls, you may get challenged by one of the elusive Champion of Champions.

Monster Level Restriction
14 No special attacks.
24 Only Magic attacks.
40 Only Ranged attacks.
51 No Magic attacks.
56 Only melee attacks.
56 No melee attacks.
85 Only weapons, no items.
Earth Warrior
102 No Prayers.
107 No Ranged attacks.
Lesser Demon
162 No weapons or armour.

The Champions Of Champions

Once you have defeated a certain number of champions' scrolls, you will be challenged to fight one of the Champions of Champions. Prove your worth and defeat them in open combat!


[image: banner imp] When you defeat a champion, you will receive experience in both the Slayer and Constitution skills. The amount of experience you receive will depend on the Constitution level of that champion.

You will also be pointed in the direction of Larxus, who has 'calling beads' for anyone who defeats a champion. When used, these beads will summon a banner carrier imp, a loyal follower who displays your Champions' Challenge accomplishments. There are banners for every champion or Champion of Champions, so you can boast about any that you have defeated, or you can simply show off the number of champions you have felled. To change your banner, talk to the imp or right-click and select 'Change-banner'.

For each scroll you defeat, a wall banner will appear on the outer wall of the arena. As you defeat more champions, more banners will appear.


Development Team

Developer:Graham B Developer:Frederique M
QA:Andy C QA:Thomas H, Reece W, James N, Liam H
Graphics:Joe R, Nick F, Linh N Graphics:Mark B, James W
Audio:Ian T Audio:N/A