Mole Hole (Members)


Please note that this area is dark, and only explorers with a light source and tinderbox should enter. There is also a tough mole in the depths of this dungeon, so only bring items you can afford to lose. Be aware that the mole can put out your light, so be especially sure that you bring a tinderbox.


Fighting the Giant Mole in its hole
If there's something that Wyson the gardener in Falador's park simply can't abide, it's damage to his beloved flower patches. After a slight accident involving a bottle of Malignius-Mortifer's-Super-Ultra-Flora-Growth-Potion and a rather unlucky mole, it suffices to say the mole hills in Falador Park are big enough to make the strongest gardener weep.

Travelling down into these dark mole tunnels, it's up to you to track down this critter and try to put an end to Wyson's misery. Bring a few friends, though, because it's not an easy creature to tackle and it may well give you the slip a few times.


Location of the Mole Hole
The Hole entrance is located in Falador park.

To get into the Hole, you will require a spade, light source and tinderbox. When you are ready, head to the park and find a mole hill. Standing on a mole hill and digging will cause you to open the mound and fall into the Hole.

Beware: when you are down here, you stand a chance that your light will go out due to 'mole activities', so ensure you do bring a tinderbox or know where the exit is!

Points of Interest

Interesting areas of the Mole Hole
The Hole is large, spanning from Falador park to the well near the south entrance to Falador.

Throughout the maze that is the Mole Hole, there are unattackable baby moles, but these will not harm you.

The only yellow dot on your minimap will be the Giant Mole. Although it is non-aggressive, you must still take caution when you get near him.

Once in combat, he will burrow throughout the area, so keep your eyes peeled and make good your pursuit!


There are no personalities down here, just a dangerously oversized mole.


There are no quests to start in the Mole Hole.

Mole Menace!

The Giant Mole!
The Giant Mole is a large, non-aggressive beast, but a dangerous one nonetheless. When you engage him in combat he will fight until you have damaged him enough to get him worried.

From this moment on, you will need to be on your toes, as he will burrow (and hence move around) extremely quickly. It is wise to take a team, and split up to combat him as he appears throughout the area.

As he has stretched and sleek skin, you will find him weaker to puncturing attacks, such as stab or Ranged.

On his death, he may drop mole skin or claws, which can be taken to Wyson as proof that he has been destroyed.


  • When you've defeated the mole, don't forget to collect the proof that you've dealt with the beast. Wyson will be happy to give you something for them - he finds a lot of old bird nests while he's gardening.
  • If you happen to be wielding the Falador shield 3 when you bring Wyson evidence of your mole-slaying ways, you may find yourself with some white lily seeds.