Construction - Menagerie


When you get to level 37 Construction, you'll be able to build a menagerie - a place to house your collection of pets.

Key Features

A typical menagerie
A menagerie is kind of like a mini personal themed zoo. Any pets that you have managed to obtain through the Summoning skill (as long as it's the fully grown version of that animal) can be housed in the menagerie. Cats can be stored here too, as can Eek the Spider and the pet rock. You can customise the look of the menagerie by changing its habitat.

As well as being a colourful and interesting addition to any outdoor space - all stored pets will happily wander around your home - it is also functional. Together, the pet house and pet feeder will allow you to store a number of different pets in your home and keep them well fed. The pet feeder is designed to provide as much food as your pets need, so you needn't worry that any pets in your menagerie will go wandering off, and you can use it to feed any hungry pets you are carrying with you, all at the same time.

There's also the option of installing a handy Summoning obelisk in the menagerie, at which you can renew your Summoning points.

Finally, one of the best things about your menagerie is that any pets housed within it do not count towards your pet limits, so you will be able to get more than one of the same type of pet. Imagine: a volcanic habitat with a desecrated pet house, home to four baby dragons (one of each colour)! It's the dream of many pet owners and an impressive menagerie to boot.

The Hotspots

Menagerie hotspots
As shown in the picture to the left, there are four types of hotspot in the menagerie that you can construct on:

  • Habitat
  • Pet house
  • Pet feeder
  • Obelisk

The Items


Item Level
Uses Experience
Garden habitat
37 [Image: Construction] [image]
Bagged plant 1
x 1 [image]
Bagged plant 2
x 1 [image]
Bagged plant 3
x 1 n/a 201
Jungle habitat
47 [Image: Construction] [image]
Bucket of water
x 5 [image]
Bagged plant 3
x 3 [image]
Bagged willow tree
x 1 n/a 278
Desert habitat
57 [Image: Construction] [image]
Bucket of sand
x 10 [image]
Limestone brick
x 5 [image]
Bagged cactus
x 1 n/a 238
Polar habitat
67 [Image: Construction] [image]
Air rune
x 1000 [image]
Water rune
x 1000 [image]
Bagged evergreen
x 1 n/a 373
Volcanic habitat
77 [Image: Construction] [image]
Lava rune
x 100 [image]
Stone slab
x 5 [image]
Bagged dead tree
x 1 n/a 77

Pet house

Item Level
Uses Experience
Oak pet house
37 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 4 Houses up to three pets* 240
Teak pet house
52 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 4 Houses up to six pets* 380
Mahogany pet house
67 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 4 Houses up to ten pets* 580
Consecrated pet house
92 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 4 [image]
Magic stone
x 1 Houses up to fifteen pets* 1580
Desecrated pet house
92 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 4 [image]
Magic stone
x 1 Houses up to fifteen pets* 1580
Natural pet house
92 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 4 [image]
Magic stone
x 1 Houses up to fifteen pets* 1580
*Along with a pet feeder of equivalent level.

Pet feeder

Item Level
Uses Experience
Oak pet feeder
37 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 4 Provides food for up to three stored pets 240
Teak pet feeder
52 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 4 Provides food for up to six stored pets 380
Mahogany pet feeder
67 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 4 [image]
Gold leaf
x 1 Provides food for up to ten stored pets 880


Item Level
Uses Experience
Mini obelisk
41 [Image: Construction] [image]
Spirit shard
x 1000 [image]
Marble block
x 1 [image]
Gold, green, crimson and blue charms
x 10
of each
Renews your Summoning points 782