Dungeoneering - Firemaking Tables


To light fires in Daemonheim, you must be raiding a dungeon on the following complexity level:

Complexity level 2+ - Firemaking

Click here to read more about Firemaking in RuneScape.
Firemaking Logs

Firemaking allows you to light the branches of Daemonheim, gained by woodcutting the trees about the dungeons. These branches can, in turn, be used to cook fish. You will also need your Firemaking level to light the ranges and furnaces of Daemonheim, and often to burn up any fallen beams that block your path.

(m) = Members Only

Wood Type


Experience Gained

[image]Tangle gum branches 1 [Image: Firemaking] 25
[image]Seeping elm branches 10 [Image: Firemaking] 44.5
[image]Blood spindle branches 20 [Image: Firemaking] 65.6
[image]Utuku branches 30 [Image: Firemaking] 88.3
[image]Spinebeam branches 40 [Image: Firemaking] 112.6
[image]Bovistrangler branches (m) 50 [Image: Firemaking] 138.5
[image]Thigat branches (m) 60 [Image: Firemaking] 166
[image]Corpsethorn branches (m) 70 [Image: Firemaking] 195.1
[image]Entgallow branches (m) 80 [Image: Firemaking] 225.8
[image]Grave creeper branches (m) 90 [Image: Firemaking] 258.1