var objects = { // Variables list : { key : {have:false, found:false, text:"a key", name:"The lollipop farm's key.", description:"This key brings a lollipop farm to your candy box."}, boots : {have:false, found:false, text:"a pair of boots", name:"The seven-league boots.", description:"These boots increase your speed during quests."}, swampMap : {have:false, found:false, text:"a map", name:"The map to the Swampy Swamp.", description:"The Swampy Swamp is the swampiest swamp you've ever seen."}, hutMap : {have:false, found:false, text:"a map", name:"The map to the sorceress' hut.", description:"In this hut lives a powerful witch ! She might help you... but not for free."}, wellMap : {have:false, found:false, text:"a map", name:"The map to the wishing well.", description:"Make a wish, make it so, you may shine, you may glow..."}, magicianHat : {have:false, found:false, text:"a hat", name:"The magician's hat.", description:"Wearing this hat enhances your magic."}, pinkRing : {have:false, found:false, text:"a ring", name:"The pink ring of calmness.", description:"This pink ring will help you control your breath. You will recover faster after a quest."}, forgeMap : {have:false, found:false, text:"a map", name:"The map to the forge.", description:"An anvil can be really useful, if you have the appropriate sword.."}, candiesConverter : {have:false, found:false, text:"a strange object", name:"The candies converter.", description:"When activated in your candy box, this surprising object quickly converts all your candies into lollipops. One candy gives one lollipop !"}, plateArmour : {have:false, found:false, text:"a strong armour", name:"A plate armour.", description:"This strong armour protects you from your enemies. You will lose less health points."}, cauldron : {have:false, found:false, text:"a big container", name:"A cauldron.", description:"This cauldron allows you to brew a large variety of potions, using raw, common materials like candies or lollipops."}, magicalHorn : {have:false, found:false, text:"a horn", name:"A magical horn.", description:"This magical horn belonged to a unicorn. Carrying it will make you regain health points continuously during a quest !"}, hornOfPlenty : {have:false, found:false, text:"a horn", name:"The horn of plenty.", description:"The horn of plenty, stolen from Ploutos by the cow king, who thought it was a real horn. This mythical object will multiply by three your lollipop farm production."}, oldAmulet : {have:false, found:false, text:"an amulet", name:"An old amulet.", description:"This old amulet, found on the corpse of a dead warrior, is known to bring prosperity to its owner. It will multiply by three your candies production."} }, leave : function(){ hut.leave(); wishingWell.leave(); swamp.leave(); forge.leave(); }, // Functions setHaveObject : function(name, value){ // We set the new "have" value this.list[name].have = value; // We check the buttons related to objects, since they may have changed buttons.checkObjects(); // We update the inventory inventory.updateOnPage(); } };