var quest = { // Variables currentLandIndex : 0, // Index of the current land in land.list maxLandOrder : -1, // Max land order we achieved for the moment candiesFound : 0, // Number of candies found during a quest speed : 0, // Speed of the character during a quest things : [], // Array containing all the things present in a quest tiredTime : 0, // Number of seconds we need to spend before doing another quest tiredFound : 0, // Number of seconds we will need to wait after finishing the current quest potionUseCountdown : 0, // Number of movements we have to wait before using another potion scrollUseCountdown : 0, // Same thing for scrolls escaping : false, // If true, it means we are escaping from the quest gmooh : false, berserk : false, // If true, we're in berserk mode berserkCountdown : 0, // Number of cycles we still have to stay in berserk mode invulnerability : false, // If true, we're invincible invulnerabilityCountdown : 0, // Number of cycles we still have to stay as invincible turtle : false, // If true, we're a turtle turtleCountdown : 0, // Number of cycles we still have to stay as a turtle weAreQuestingRightNow : false, // True if we're making a quest right now characterSpeed : 1, // Speed of the character : if = 2 for example, the character will take two cycles to move. This variable can be reduce by being a turtle characterSpeedStep : 1, // Used to apply the characterSpeed var onloadAfter : function(){ this.setMaxLandOrder(0); }, setMaxLandOrder : function(value){ if(value > this.maxLandOrder){ this.maxLandOrder = value; // We change the value land.updateListOnPage(quest.maxLandOrder); // And we try to update the quest list on the html page, in case a new quest was unlocked } }, begin : function(getLandFromList, landIndex){ // Disable button htmlInteraction.disableButton("quest_button"); // First thing to do ! this.weAreQuestingRightNow = true; // If we have to get the land index from the list on the html page if(getLandFromList == true){ // We get the index in land.list of the current land selected in the html list var landNameInHtmlList = htmlInteraction.getElement("quest_destination").options[htmlInteraction.getElement("quest_destination").selectedIndex].text; this.currentLandIndex = land.getLandIndexFromName(landNameInHtmlList); } // Else, we use the index given in the parameters else{ this.currentLandIndex = landIndex; } // We show the quest panel htmlInteraction.setElementVisibility("quest", true); htmlInteraction.setElementVisibility("quest_potions_countdowns", true); // We empty the things array and put none things in it this.things = this.fillWithNoneThings(); // We add the character if(land.ponyTime == false) this.things[0] = {type:"character", text:"\\o/", max_hp:this.getCharacterMaxHp(), hp:this.getCharacterMaxHp(), weapon:(, description:"You"}; else this.things[0] = {type:"character", text:"PON", max_hp:this.getCharacterMaxHp(), hp:this.getCharacterMaxHp(), weapon:(, description:"You"}; // We set the speed this.speed = this.getSpeed(); // We set the potion & scroll use countdown this.potionUseCountdown = 0; this.scrollUseCountdown = 0; // Not escaping at first this.escaping = false; // Not using gmooh potion at first this.gmooh = false; // Not in berserk mode at first this.berserk = false; this.berserkCountdown = 0; this.speed = this.getSpeed(); // Not invincible at first this.invulnerability = false; this.invulnerabilityCountdown = 0; // Not turtle at first this.turtle = false; this.turtleCountdown = 0; // Speed = 1 at first and the step = 1 too this.characterSpeed = 1; this.characterSpeedStep = 1; // Load the current land land.load(); // Update the quest and the potions on page this.updateOnPage(); potions.updateOnPage(); // Set a timeout for the next quest movement window.setTimeout(this.move.bind(this), this.speed); }, updateOnPage : function(){ // Variables declaration var text; // Land text = land.getText(); text += "\n"; // Status text += status2.getText(); text += "\n"; // Drops text += drops.getText(); // Draw text htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("quest", text); }, getCharacterMaxHp : function(){ return 100 + Math.floor(Math.pow(candies.nbrEaten, 0.4)*2.1); // This function means ~ one day of candies eaten at 1cnd/s = +200 hp }, getSpeed : function(){ if( && this.berserk) return 125; if( || this.berserk) return 250; return 500; }, getCharacterIndex : function(){ for(i = 0; i < this.things.length; i++){ if(this.things[i].type == "character") return i; } }, move : function(){ // If we're not escaping, we don't stop the quest if(this.escaping == false && this.gmooh == false){ for(var index = 0; index < this.things.length; index++){ if(this.things[index].type == "character" || this.things[index].type == "ally" || this.things[index].type == "trap"){ // If we are at the end of the quest if(index + 1 == this.things.length){ // If we're the character if(this.things[index].type == "character"){ // We set a timeout to the winning function and we return window.setTimeout(this.won.bind(this), 3000); return; } // Else, we're just an ally or a trap else{ // We disappear quest.things[index] = quest.makeNoneThing(); } } // Else, we move ourselves else{ // If there's nothing in front of us and we're not a trap, we just move if(this.things[index].type != "trap" && this.things[index + 1].type == "none"){ if(this.characterSpeedStep >= this.characterSpeed){ this.characterSpeedStep = 1; // We set the step back to 1 this.things[index + 1] = this.things[index]; this.things[index] = this.makeNoneThing(); index += 1; // We increment the index to avoid re evaluating the same thing just after } else{ this.characterSpeedStep += 1; // We increment the step } } // Else, we try to fight else{ // If the thing in front of us is a mob or a trap (and we're not one..), we fight if(this.things[index + 1].type == "mob" || (this.things[index + 1].type == "trap" && this.things[index].type != "trap")){ if(this.fight(index, index + 1) == true) return; } } } } } // We set the timeout to move again window.setTimeout(this.move.bind(this), this.speed); // We decrement the potion use countdown if(this.potionUseCountdown > 0){ this.potionUseCountdown -= 1; if(this.potionUseCountdown == 0){ potions.updateOnPage(); } else potions.updateCountdownOnPage(); } // Same thing for the scroll use countdown if(this.scrollUseCountdown > 0){ this.scrollUseCountdown -= 1; if(this.scrollUseCountdown == 0){ potions.updateOnPage(); } else potions.updateCountdownOnPage(); } // We decrement the berserk mode countdown if(this.berserkCountdown > 0){ this.berserkCountdown -= 1; if(this.berserkCountdown == 0) this.stopBerserk(); potions.updateCountdownOnPage(); } // We decrement the invulnerability mode countdown if(this.invulnerabilityCountdown > 0){ this.invulnerabilityCountdown -= 1; if(this.invulnerabilityCountdown == 0) this.stopInvulnerability(); potions.updateCountdownOnPage(); } // We decrement the turtle mode countdown if(this.turtleCountdown > 0){ this.turtleCountdown -= 1; if(this.turtleCountdown == 0) this.stopTurtle(); potions.updateCountdownOnPage(); } // We make the land move too if(land.list[this.currentLandIndex].moveFunction != undefined){ land.list[this.currentLandIndex].moveFunction(); } // Horn bonus if(objects.list.magicalHorn.have){ this.applyMagicalHornBonus(); } // We update on page this.updateOnPage(); } // Else we're escaping : we stop the quest else if(this.escaping){ this.stop(); } // Else if we're using a gmooh potion else if(this.gmooh){ this.stop(); potions.gmoohEffect(); } }, applyMagicalHornBonus : function(){ var index = this.getCharacterIndex(); // If we're not dead if(this.things[index].hp > 0){ this.things[index].hp += 3; if(this.things[index].hp > this.things[index].max_hp) this.things[index].hp = this.things[index].max_hp; } }, fight : function(index1, index2){ // We launch a fight between us and the mob if the mob still have some hp (he may lose its hp because of a scroll) if(this.things[index2].hp > 0) damage.makeTwoQuestThingsFighting(index1, index2); // Check for deads if(this.checkIfDead(index1, index2) == true) return true; if(this.checkIfDead(index2, index1) == true) return true; return false; }, checkIfDead : function(index, indexKiller){ // If we're dead if(this.things[index].hp <= 0){ // If we're the character if(this.things[index].type == "character"){ this.updateOnPage(); // We update on page window.setTimeout(this.stop.bind(this), 5000); // We set the timeout to stop the quest return true; // We quit } // Else, we're just an ally or a trap else if(this.things[index].type == "ally" || this.things[index].type == "trap"){ // We disappear if(this.things[index].drops != []) drops.getAllDropsFromList(this.things[index].drops); // We gain the drops of the defeated ally or trap quest.things[index] = quest.makeNoneThing(); } // Else, we're a mob else if(this.things[index].type == "mob" && (this.things[index].text != "\\o/" || yourself.canSurpass == true)){ drops.getAllDropsFromList(this.things[index].drops); // We gain the drops of the defeated mob this.things[index] = this.makeNoneThing(); // We remove the mob // If we we were killed by the character if(this.things[indexKiller].type == "character"){ // Sword of Summoning bonus : we may spawn something here if( == "Sword of Summoning" || == "Sword of Liflamesummoning"){ sword.summonHere(index); } // Sword of Life : we gain life if( == "Sword of Life" || == "Sword of Liflamesummoning"){ this.things[indexKiller].hp += sword.specialPower + 1; if(this.things[indexKiller].hp > this.things[indexKiller].max_hp) this.things[indexKiller].hp = this.things[indexKiller].max_hp; } } } } return false; }, beginBerserk : function(){ this.berserk = true; this.berserkCountdown = 25 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(10); this.speed = this.getSpeed(); this.things[this.getCharacterIndex()].text = "O_O"; }, stopBerserk : function(){ this.berserk = false; this.speed = this.getSpeed(); this.things[this.getCharacterIndex()].text = "\\o/"; }, beginInvulnerability : function(){ this.invulnerability = true; this.invulnerabilityCountdown = 15; this.things[this.getCharacterIndex()].text = "GOD"; }, stopInvulnerability : function(){ this.invulnerability = false; this.things[this.getCharacterIndex()].text = "\\o/"; }, beginTurtle : function(){ this.turtle = true; this.turtleCountdown = 30; this.things[this.getCharacterIndex()].text = "TUR"; this.characterSpeed = 3; // We reduce the speed ! }, stopTurtle : function(){ this.turtle = false; this.things[this.getCharacterIndex()].text = "\\o/"; this.characterSpeed = 1; // The speed goes back to its normal state ! }, won : function(){ // won ? if(land.getLandIndexFromName("Developper's computer") == quest.currentLandIndex){ developperComputer.setWon(true); inventory.updateOnPage(); } // Drops drops.gainDrops(); // We may enable a new destination, we store the drop-down list var list = htmlInteraction.getElement("quest_destination"); // We change the max land order : it's the order of the just finnished quest + 1 this.setMaxLandOrder(land.list[this.currentLandIndex].order + 1); // We stop the quest this.stop(); }, stop : function(){ // Enable button htmlInteraction.enableButton("quest_button"); // First thing to do ! this.weAreQuestingRightNow = false; // Get the character index var index = this.getCharacterIndex(); // No more quest panel or potions shown htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("quest", ""); htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("quest_potions_countdowns", ""); // We re-enable home buttons //buttons.enableHomeButtons(); // We update the potions on page potions.updateOnPage(); // We're tired after this quest if(this.things[index].hp < this.things[index].max_hp) this.setTiredFound(this.tiredFound + 200 * (1 - (this.things[index].hp / this.things[index].max_hp))); if(this.escaping == false) this.setTiredTime(Math.floor(this.tiredFound)); // Nothing found anymore this.setCandiesFound(0); this.setTiredFound(0); for(obj in objects.list) objects.list[obj].found = false; }, defineMood : function(){ if(this.tiredTime == 0) htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("mood", "You're in the pink! Ready for fighting!"); else htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("mood", "You're tired. You have to wait before doing another quest. Waiting time : " + this.tiredTime); htmlInteraction.setElementVisibility("mood", true); }, setCandiesFound : function(value){ this.candiesFound = value; }, setTiredTime : function(value){ if(value < 0) value = 0; this.tiredTime = value; this.defineMood(); buttons.checkQuestTiredTime(); }, setTiredFound : function(value){ this.tiredFound = value; }, makeNoneThing : function(){ return {type:"none", text:"___"}; }, makeBasicChest : function(){ return land.createMob("CHS", 80, 80, "none", "A chest !! Very rare.", [drops.createDrop("candies", 300 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(500)), drops.createDrop("object", "key", true), drops.createDrop("object", "boots", random.oneChanceOutOf(3)), drops.createDrop("object", "swampMap", random.oneChanceOutOf(3)), drops.createDrop("object", "hutMap", random.oneChanceOutOf(3))]); }, makeOpenChest : function(){ return land.createMob("CHS", 1, 1, "none", "An open chest, full of candies !", [drops.createDrop("candies", 6000 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(2000))]); }, makeImp : function(){ var hp = 15 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(10); return land.createAlly("IMP", hp, hp, "its whole body", "An imp.", []); }, makeOrc : function(){ return land.createAlly("ORC", 30, 30, "bludgeon", "An orc. It looks stupid.", []); }, makeDraugr : function(){ return land.createAlly("DRG", 35, 35, "various bones", "A draugr. It seems to be dead, but it's still moving..", []); }, makeChupacabra : function(){ return land.createAlly("CBA", 30, 30, "fangs", "A chupacabra. A real goat sucker !", []); }, makeGolem : function(){ return land.createAlly("GOL", 100, 100, "rock", "A golem. Solid, solid golem.", []); }, makeChimera : function(){ var hp = 50 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(7); return land.createAlly("CHI", hp, hp, "fire", "A chimera : lion, serpent and goat at the same time.", []); }, makeCandyMonster : function(){ var hp = 80 + 5*sword.specialPower; return land.createAlly("CND", hp, hp, "exploding candies", "A candy monster. He throws candies on his ennemies.", []); }, makeFakeCharacter : function(){ return land.createFakeCharacter(); }, fillWithNoneThings : function(){ var things = []; for(var i = 0; i < land.list[this.currentLandIndex].size; i++) things.push(this.makeNoneThing()); return things; } };