Harmony Island (Members)


You must have started The Great Brain Robbery quest to gain access to Harmony Island.


Harmony Island has seen happier times
Ah, Harmony Island: the name evokes a feeling of contentment and peace. As well it should, being home to a cloistered order of Saradominist monks - they lead a simple life of tending grain and cabbages, praying, illuminating books and blessing the odd pirate or two (in exchange for not being pillaged, plundered or generally being at the sharp end of a cutlass).

Okay, so they're all a bunch of 'enhanced' zombies at the moment, but really, they're nice chaps at the heart of it.


Harmony Island location
Harmony Island is located south-east of the docks of Mos Le'Harmless. It can only be reached by being teleported there by Brother Tranquility (no adventurers were harmed in the making of this journey), who is located near those very docks.

Points of Interest

Map of Harmony Island
There is an allotment Farming patch just south of the statue of Saradomin. Grain from the field at the northern side of the monastery can be milled into flour in the island's granary.

The wheat field twins with the cabbage field to help keep the monastery's symmetrical aesthetic, projecting the ordered life of the monks that pray within its walls.

There is also a run-aground pirate ship to the north of the island. The huge gaping hull that allows you access onto it clearly highlighting that it will never sail again.


Brother Tranquility
As a monk, Brother Tranquility is a forgiving and kind-hearted man. As a zombie, he is much the same, just a bit more decomposed. His tonsure (monk's bald spot) is nicely contrasted by the staples keeping his skull in place.
He may be 'short' of temper, but this sinister zombie Surgeon General has more of a brain fixation (and more brains) than his entire crew combined. His nefarious scheme to create a race of zombie pirates with some actual intelligence is made all the easier by his lack of morals. He requires some kind of mask apparatus to breathe, a side effect of which puts his evil laugh up there with the best of them.
Brother Tranquility can be found on the ground floor of the mill on Harmony Island. Mi-Gor can be found in the monastery on Harmony Island.


There are no quest start points on Harmony Island.

Mi-Gor's Motley Minions

Zombie Pirate (Level 57)
In life they were a scourge on the seas, a blight on the briny oceans of RuneScape. Now they're all zombies, they don't even need to worry about scurvy anymore, making them even more dangerous to lollygagging landlubbers.
Sorebones (Level 57)
Sorebones are Mi-Gor's highly-skilled team of surgeons - at least in terms of removing people's brains. Whether this is done in the operating room or just to any passing adventurer makes no bones to them.
Zombie pirates can be found scattered all over Harmony Island. Sorebones are only found inside the monastery on Harmony Island.


  • There is a tinderbox spawn point on the deck of the run-aground pirate ship, toward the bow.
  • If you lose your Ring of Charos after completing The Great Brain Robbery, it can be pickpocketed again from Dr Fenkenstrain in the basement of Harmony Island's mill.