Rat Catchers (Members)

Gertrude knows of some rat catchers in Varrock. Pay her a visit and she may tell you of their whereabouts. Perhaps they could show you and your cat a few pointers about rat catching.

Enter the subterranean world of the rat catchers and discover more of your cat's true potential.
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Gertrude's house
To Start: Have a cat/kitten and talk to Gertrude
Quest Length: Long
Minimum Requirements:
Icthlarin's Little Helper
A pet kitten/cat
Rat catcher at work

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Items Other Quest points

4500 Thieving

Wiley and lazy cats

Access to Rat Pits

2 QP
Development Team
Developer: Chris J
Graphics: Neil R
Quality Assurance: Andrew C
QuestHelp: Gillan M
Audio: Ian T