var sword = { // Variables name : "none", specialSword : false, specialPower : 1, // How many the Sword of Life can steal hp, additional damage of the Sword of Flames... // List of summoned things with the level we need to summon them summonList : [], // Functions onload : function(){ this.summonList.push({name:"imps", summonFunction:quest.makeImp.bind(quest), powerNeeded:1}); this.summonList.push({name:"orcs", summonFunction:quest.makeOrc.bind(quest), powerNeeded:2}); this.summonList.push({name:"draugrs", summonFunction:quest.makeDraugr.bind(quest), powerNeeded:3}); this.summonList.push({name:"a chupacabra", summonFunction:quest.makeChupacabra.bind(quest), powerNeeded:4}); this.summonList.push({name:"a golem", summonFunction:quest.makeGolem.bind(quest), powerNeeded:5}); this.summonList.push({name:"a chimera", summonFunction:quest.makeChimera.bind(quest), powerNeeded:6}); this.summonList.push({name:"a candy monster", summonFunction:quest.makeCandyMonster.bind(quest), powerNeeded:7}); }, buyThisSword : function(name){ if( != name){ // If we're not trying to buy the current sword switch(name){ case "wooden sword": if(candies.nbrOwned >= shop.currentSwordPrice){ candies.setNbrOwned(candies.nbrOwned - shop.currentSwordPrice); shop.setMerchantSpeech("Great! This wooden sword isn't the best, for sure, but it really didn't cost so much."); shop.hideProduct("sword"); } else{ shop.setMerchantSpeech("You don't have enough candies. You should save up candies to buy it : swords are useful nowadays."); return; } break; case "copper sword": if(candies.nbrOwned >= shop.currentSwordPrice){ candies.setNbrOwned(candies.nbrOwned - shop.currentSwordPrice); shop.setMerchantSpeech("This copper sword is quite heavy, but it slays efficiently."); shop.hideProduct("sword"); } else{ shop.setMerchantSpeech("You need 300 candies to buy that sword! Did you know that copper slowly reacts with atmospheric oxygen forming a layer of brown-black copper oxide?"); return; } break; case "iron sword": if(candies.nbrOwned >= shop.currentSwordPrice){ candies.setNbrOwned(candies.nbrOwned - shop.currentSwordPrice); shop.setMerchantSpeech("This iron sword could cut almost anything, if you're strong enough to use it."); shop.hideProduct("sword"); } else{ shop.setMerchantSpeech("You need more candies for the iron sword. Iron is strong. Iron is reliable. Iron will obey your slaying desire."); return; } break; case "silver sword": if(candies.nbrOwned >= shop.currentSwordPrice){ candies.setNbrOwned(candies.nbrOwned - shop.currentSwordPrice); shop.setMerchantSpeech("One thousand candies for meeee! Uh, I mean, this silver sword is even stronger than the iron one! You had to buy it."); shop.hideProduct("sword"); } else{ shop.setMerchantSpeech("One thousand candies for the silver sword! My marginal profit can't handle less than that."); return; } break; case "diamond sword": if(candies.nbrOwned >= shop.currentSwordPrice){ candies.setNbrOwned(candies.nbrOwned - shop.currentSwordPrice); shop.setMerchantSpeech("Diamond! This is the best sword I can sell you. It will cut rocks as if they were made of butter."); shop.hideProduct("sword"); } else{ shop.setMerchantSpeech("You need more candies. The diamond sword is quite expensive, but it's worth it!"); return; } break; } this.setName(name); // We bought it, since we didn't return : we change the name } }, enchantImpInvocation : function(){ if(potions.list.impInvocationScroll.nbrOwned > 0){ this.setSpecialSword(true); this.setName("Sword of Summoning"); potions.list.impInvocationScroll.nbrOwned -= 1; potions.updateOnPage(); forge.setStep(2); } }, setSpecialSword : function(value){ this.specialSword = value; }, setSpecialPower : function(value){ if(value > 0){ this.specialPower = value; } else this.specialPower = 0; }, getIndexOfBetterToSummon : function(){ var indexOfBetterToSummon = 0; // We iterate over the list for(var i = 0; i < this.summonList.length; i++){ // If we can summon this one and it is better than the current betterToSummon if(this.summonList[i].powerNeeded <= this.specialPower && this.summonList[i].powerNeeded > this.summonList[indexOfBetterToSummon].powerNeeded){ // This is now the better to summon indexOfBetterToSummon = i; } } return indexOfBetterToSummon; }, summonHere : function(id){ // One chance out of two we summon something if(random.flipACoin()){ // We summon the better to summon quest.things[id] = this.summonList[this.getIndexOfBetterToSummon()].summonFunction(); } }, enchantFire : function(){ if(potions.list.fireScroll.nbrOwned > 0){ this.setSpecialSword(true); this.setName("Sword of Flames"); potions.list.fireScroll.nbrOwned -= 1; potions.updateOnPage(); forge.setStep(2); } }, enchantHealth : function(){ if( > 0){ this.setSpecialSword(true); this.setName("Sword of Life"); -= 1; potions.updateOnPage(); forge.setStep(2); } }, sharpen : function(){ this.setName("sharp chocolate sword"); forge.setStep(1); }, coat : function(){ if(chocolateBars.nbrOwned >= 1){ chocolateBars.setNbrOwned(chocolateBars.nbrOwned - 1); this.setName("chocolate sword"); htmlInteraction.hideButton("coat"); } }, encrust : function(){ if(candies.nbrOwned >= 101){ candies.setNbrOwned(candies.nbrOwned - 101); this.setName("candy diamond sword"); htmlInteraction.hideButton("encrust"); } }, polish : function(){ if(lollipops.nbrOwned >= 30){ lollipops.setNbrOwned(lollipops.nbrOwned - 30); this.setName("polished candy diamond sword"); htmlInteraction.hideButton("polish"); } }, setName : function(value){ // We change the value = value; // We possibly show a new product in the shop depending on the new sword name switch({ case "wooden sword": shop.showProduct("copper_sword"); break; case "copper sword": shop.showProduct("iron_sword"); break; case "iron sword": shop.showProduct("silver_sword"); break; case "silver sword": shop.showProduct("diamond_sword"); break; default: shop.showProduct("products_after_swords"); break; } // Other stuff htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("sword", "You currently have a " + + "."); quest.defineMood(); htmlInteraction.setElementVisibility("sword", true); htmlInteraction.setElementVisibility("quest_form", true); buttons.checkSword(); inventory.updateOnPage(); }, // Ascii art asciiWoodenSwordWithButton : "\ .\n\ / \\\n\ | |\n\ | | \n\ | |\n\ | |\n\ `--8--\'\n\ 8\n\ 0", asciiWoodenSwordWithoutButton : "Wooden sword\n\ .\n\ / \\\n\ | |\n\ | |\n\ | |\n\ | |\n\ `--8--\'\n\ 8\n\ 0", asciiCopperSwordWithButton : "\ .\n\ /:\\\n\ |||\n\ ||| \n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ `--8--\'\n\ 8\n\ 0", asciiCopperSwordWithoutButton : "Copper sword\n\ .\n\ /:\\\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ `--8--\'\n\ 8\n\ 0", asciiIronSwordWithButton : "\ /|\n\ |\\|\n\ |||\n\ ||| \n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ ~-[{o}]-~\n\ |/|\n\ |/|\n\ `0\'", asciiIronSwordWithoutButton : "Iron sword\n\ /|\n\ |\\|\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ ~-[{o}]-~\n\ |/|\n\ |/|\n\ `0\'", asciiSilverSwordWithButton : "\ |\\\n\ |/|\n\ |||\n\ [|] \n\ |||\n\ [|]\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ \\_[[O]]_/\n\ |/|\n\ |/|\n\ `0\'", asciiSilverSwordWithoutButton : "Silver sword\n\n\ |\\\n\ |/|\n\ |||\n\ [|]\n\ |||\n\ [|]\n\ |||\n\ |||\n\ \\_[[O]]_/\n\ |/|\n\ |/|\n\ `0\'", asciiDiamondSwordWithButton : "\ /|\n\ |;|\n\ |:|\n\ |;| \n\ |:|\n\ |;|\n\ |:|\n\ |;|\n\ |:|\n\ \\_[[C]]_/\n\ |N|\n\ |D|\n\ `0\'", asciiDiamondSwordWithoutButton : "Diamond sword\n\n\ /|\n\ |;|\n\ |:|\n\ |;|\n\ |:|\n\ |;|\n\ |:|\n\ |;|\n\ |:|\n\ \\_[[C]]_/\n\ |N|\n\ |D|\n\ `0\'", asciiCandyDiamondSword : "Candy diamond sword\n\n\ /|\n\ |o|\n\ |:|\n\ |o|\n\ |:|\n\ |o|\n\ |:|\n\ |o|\n\ o |:| o\n\ \\_[[C]]_/\n\ |N|\n\ |D|\n\ 'O'", asciiPolishedCandyDiamondSword : "Polished candy diamond sword\n\n\ /|\n\ |o|\n\ | |\n\ |o|\n\ | |\n\ |o|\n\ | |\n\ |o|\n\ o | | o\n\ \\_([-])_/\n\ | |\n\ | |\n\ 'O'", asciiChocolateSword : "Chocolate sword\n\n\ /|\n\ |o|\n\ |~|\n\ |o|\n\ |~|\n\ |o|\n\ |~|\n\ |o|\n\ o |~| o\n\ \\~([-])~/\n\ |~|\n\ |~|\n\ 'O'", asciiSharpChocolateSword : "Sharp chocolate sword\n\n\ /|\n\ |^|\n\ |~|\n\ |^|\n\ |~|\n\ |^|\n\ |~|\n\ |^|\n\ . |~| .\n\ \\~([-])~/\n\ |~|\n\ |~|\n\ 'O'", asciiSwordOfFlames : "Sword of Flames\n\n\ _\n\ /#|\n\ |##|\n\ |##|\n\ |#F|\n\ |L#|\n\ |#A|\n\ |M#|\n\ |#E|\n\ |S#|\n\ |##|\n\ |##|\n\ _ |##| _\n\ \\\\-([--])-//\n\ |``|\n\ |``|\n\ |``|\n\ \"##\"", asciiSwordOfLife : "Sword of Life\n\n\ _ _\n\ ( `\\/' )\n\ `\\ /'\n\ |\\/|\n\ | |\n\ |~ |\n\ | |\n\ | ~|\n\ | |\n\ | |\n\ | ~|\n\ |~ |\n\ | |\n\ | ~|\n\ /~~([--])~~\\\n\ | |\n\ | |\n\ | |\n\ \"OO\"", asciiSwordOfSummoning : "Sword of Summoning\n\n\ _\n\ /*| _\n\ |% | / \\\n\ | | /& /\n\ | &| / /\n\ | | / /\n\ |% | / %/\n\ | |/ /\n\ | * & /\n\ | /\n\ |& */\n\ | |\n\ |_%|\n\ ~~([__])~~\n\ |*%|\n\ |%&|\n\ |*&|\n\ \'42\'", asciiSwordOfLiflamesummoning : "Sword of Liflamesummoning\n\n\ _ _\n\ ( `\\/' )\n\ `\\ /'\n\ |\\/| _\n\ |% | /#\\\n\ | | /&#/\n\ | &| /##/\n\ | | /##/\n\ |% | /#%/\n\ | |/##/\n\ | * &#/\n\ | #/\n\ |& */\n\ | |\n\ |_%|\n\ ~~([__])~~\n\ |l%|\n\ |%f|\n\ |s%|\n\ \'42\'", asciiSwordOfRandomness : " Sword of Randomness\n\n\ _ _\n\ À ( `\\/' )\n\ À `\\ e /'\n\ À À |\\/| _\n\ À |% | /#\\\n\ À qsd | | /&#/\n\ | &| /##/\n\ ÀÀ| | /##/\n\ |% | /s%/\n\ f | |À/##/\n\ | $*À &#/\n\ r | #/\n\ |& */\n\ ù | |\n\ dfg |_%|\n\ ~~(É[__])~~\n\ |l%|\n\ A |%f|\n\ |s%sdd|\n\ \'42\'" };