var tabs = { // Variables length : 0, // Number of tabs list : new Array(), // List of tabs buttons animation : "slide", // Animation to do active : 0, // Number of active tab lastKeyPress : 0, // blbl // Functions // Enable the tab ( display : inline on the tab ) enable : function(n){ if(this.list[n].enabled == false){ this.list[n].enabled = true; this.list[n].button.css("display", "inline"); } }, // Disable the tab ( display : none on the tab ) disable : function(n){ if(this.list[n].enabled == true){ this.list[n].enabled = false; this.list[n].button.css("display", "none"); } }, // Show the tab ( slideDown/show based on the animSlide variable ) show : function(n){ switch(this.animation){ case "slide": this.getTab(this.list[n].button).slideDown(200); break; default: this.getTab(this.list[n].button).show(); break; } }, // Hide the tab ( slideUp/hide based on the animSlide variable ) hide : function(n){ if(n == 1){ // If we're hiding the inventory tab, we try to leave all the maps objects.leave(); } switch(this.animation){ case "slide": this.getTab(this.list[n].button).slideUp(200); break; default: this.getTab(this.list[n].button).hide(); break; } }, // Toggle the animation ( slideDown|slideUp / show|hide ) toggle : function(){ switch(this.animation){ case "slide": this.setAnimation("none"); break; default: this.setAnimation("slide"); break; } }, setAnimation : function(anim){ this.animation = anim; switch(this.animation){ case "slide": $(".toggle").html("Tabs : Slide Effect"); break; default: $(".toggle").html("Tabs : No Animation"); break; } }, // Select the tab select : function(something){ // Remove the class "active" on the last active tab this.list[].button.removeClass("active"); // Get the new active tab = something; // For all tabs for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){ // If the tab is the new active tab if(i =={ // Add the class "active" on the new active tab this.list[i].button.addClass("active"); // Show that tab; } // Else, hide that tab else this.hide(i); } }, // Next tab next : function(){ var nextI =; for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){ // We search the nextI nextI += 1; if(nextI == this.length) nextI = 0; // We select the next tab if possible if(this.list[nextI].enabled){; break; } } }, // Prev tab prev : function() { var prevI =; for(var i = this.length; i > 0; i--){ // We search the nextI prevI -= 1; if(prevI == -1) prevI = this.length-1; // We select the next tab if possible if(this.list[prevI].enabled){; break; } } }, // Get the tab attribute getTab : function(something){ return $("#"+something.attr("tab")); }, bindKey : function(){ $("body").keydown( function(e) { var currentTime = new Date().getTime(); // Tabs keys if(currentTime - tabs.lastKeyPress > 50) { if(e.which == 39); else if(e.which == 37) tabs.prev(); /*else alert("Code for Key Pressed : " + e.which);*/ tabs.lastKeyPress = currentTime; } // Quest keys if(e.which == 73){ hell.goUp(); } else if(e.which == 75){ hell.goDown(); } if(e.which == developperComputer.letter){ developperComputer.useLetter(); } }); }, bindToggle : function() { $(".toggle").bind('click', function() { tabs.toggle(); }); $(".toggle").html("Tabs : Slide Effect"); }, //On Load onload : function(){ // Get the number of tabs this.length = $("#tabs button").length; // Generate the list of tabs buttons for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){ this.list.push({button:$(".tab-" + i), enabled:true}); this.disable(i); } // Select the first tab; // Bind click event on all tabs to do select(that tab) for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){ this.list[i].button.bind('click',, i)); } // Bind key this.bindKey(); this.bindToggle(); } };