Enlightened Journey (Members)

On the peaceful island of Entrana, a lone monk has tired of his life of simplicity and quiet reflection. Auguste wants to boldly write his name in the history books; to craftily defeat the laws of physics; to miraculously sail through the air...preferably not to horribly explode into a ball of flaming death.

Of course, to do all this he'll need the help of a worldly adventure: are you bold enough to merrily laugh in the face of the unknown?
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Entrana
To Start: Speak with Auguste
Quest Length: Medium
Minimum Requirements:
Level 20 Firemaking
Level 30 Farming
Level 36 Crafting
21 Quest Points
Journeying through the skies

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Other Quest points

4000 Firemaking
3000 Farming
2000 Crafting
1500 Woodcutting

Flight cap and jacket
Ability to use the balloon transport system
Ability to make origami balloons

1 QP
Development Team
Developer: Nancy J
Graphics: Joe R, Kavi M
Quality Assurance: Kevin D, Alex P
QuestHelp: Stephen R
Audio: Ian T