Construction - Costume Room


As adventurers explore RuneScape and defeat vile beasts or follow mysterious trails to an unknown treasure, they inevitably gather a fairly large variety of capes, toys, armour and odd costumes. If you have a lot of these, you might like to think about building a costume room.

You must have a Construction level of 42 to build a costume room.

Key Features

A typical costume room
The costume room is essentially a massive wardrobe where you can keep your costumes and toys. The main feature of this room, then, is that the furniture allows you to store these items here rather than in your bank. It should be noted that you cannot remove any cupboard, chest, wardrobe or box unless you have taken all of your capes, costumes, armour or toys out.

Note: You can only have one costume room, and you will be unable to remove any piece of furniture until you have taken all items, costumes or armours out.

The Hotspots

Costume room hotspots
Warning - to store a costume set or a suit of armour you will need to have every element of it in your inventory. The cape rack will not store a Cape of Accomplishment if it is missing its hood, for example.

As shown in the picture to the left, there are six types of hotspot in the costume room that you can construct on:

  • Fancy dress box
  • Armour case
  • Treasure chest
  • Toy box
  • Magic wardrobe
  • Cape rack

The Items

Fancy Dress Box

Item Level
Uses Experience
Oak fancy dress box
44 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 2 Will hold two sets of costumes (see list below) 120
Teak fancy dress box
62 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 2 Will hold four sets of costumes (see list below) 180
Mahogany fancy dress box
80 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 2 Will hold any costumes you have (see list below) 280

Costumes you can store:
  • Mime costume
  • Frog prince/princess costume
  • Frog mask
  • Gravedigger zombie costume
  • Drill Demon camouflage uniform
  • Freaky Forester lederhosen costume
  • Shade robes

Armour case

Item Level
Uses Experience
Oak armour case
46 [Image: Construction]
Oak plank
x 3 Will hold two sets of armour (see list below) 180
Teak armour case
64 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 3 Will hold four sets of armour (see list below) 270
Mahogany armour case
82 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 3 Will hold any sets of armour you have (see list below) 420

Armour you can store:
  • Any one colour of Castle Wars armour
  • Void Knight armour
  • Rogues' Den armour
  • All three colours of broodoo mask
  • Rockshell armour
  • Spined armour
  • White armour
  • Temple Knight initiate armour
  • Temple Knight proselyte armour
  • Hunter camouflage gear
  • Lumberjack clothes
  • Mourner clothing
  • Builders' clothes
  • Bomber jacket and cap
  • H.A.M. clothes
  • Trouble Brewing clothes
  • Elite black armour

Treasure chest

Item Level
Uses Experience
Oak treasure chest
48 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 2 Will hold level one Treasure Trail rewards only (see list below) 120
Teak treasure chest
66 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 2 Will hold level 1 and level 2 Treasure Trail rewards (see list below) 180
Mahogany treasure chest
84 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 2 Will hold all Treasure Trail rewards you have (see list below) 280

Treasure Trail rewards you can store:
  • Straw boaters
  • Heraldic kiteshields
  • Fur-trimmed and gold-trimmed studded leather
  • Fur-trimmed and gold-trimmed dragonhide
  • Fur-trimmed and gold-trimmed blue dragonhide
  • Trimmed and gold-trimmed wizards' robes
  • Enchanted robes
  • Ranger boots
  • Wizard boots
  • Robin Hood hat
  • Trimmed and gold-trimmed black armour
  • Trimmed and gold-trimmed adamant armour
  • Trimmed and gold-trimmed rune armour
  • Highwayman mask
  • Berets
  • Cavalier hats
  • Headbands
  • Pirate hat
  • Saradomin, Guthix and Zamorak rune armour
  • Gold-plated rune armour
  • Canes
  • Animal masks
  • Spiked helmet
  • Pith helmet
  • Top hat

Toy box

Item Level
Uses Experience
Oak toy box
50 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 2 Will hold any holiday items you have (see list below) 120
Teak toy box
68 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 2 Will hold any holiday items you have (see list below) 180
Mahogany toy box
86 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 2 Will hold any holiday items you have (see list below) 280

Holiday items you can store:
  • Bunny ears
  • Scythe
  • Yo-yo
  • Rubber chicken
  • Zombie head
  • Easter Ring
  • Winter hats, scarves and marionettes
  • Skeleton costume
  • Jack o'Lantern
  • Chicken costume
  • Grim Reaper hood
  • Snow globe
  • Chocatrice cape
  • Warlock/witch costume
  • Cornucopia
  • Santa costume
  • Ice Amulet
  • Easter carrot

Note: Any holiday item you are entitled to reclaim, but do not have in your inventory or bank, will automatically appear in your toy box, saving you from having to head all the way to Lumbridge Swamp to recover your zombie head, for instance.

Magic wardrobe

Item Level
Uses Experience
Oak wardrobe
42 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 4 Will hold one set of robes/armour (see list below) 240
Carved oak wardrobe
51 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 6 Will hold two sets of robes/armour (see list below) 360
Teak wardrobe
60 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 4 Will hold three sets of robes/armour (see list below) 360
Carved teak wardrobe
69 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 6 Will hold four sets of robes/armour (see list below) 500
Mahogany wardrobe
78 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 4 Will hold five sets of robes/armour (see list below) 560
Gilded wardrobe
87 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 4 [image]
Gold leaf
x 1 Will hold six sets of robes/armour (see list below) 860
Marble wardrobe
96 [Image: Construction] [image]
Marble block
x 1 Will hold any sets of robes/armour you have (see list below) 500

Robes/armour you can store:
  • Mystic robes
  • Light mystic robes
  • Dark mystic robes
  • Skeletal armour
  • Infinity robes
  • Splitbark armour
  • Ghostly robes
  • Moonclan armour
  • Lunar armour
  • Dagon'hai robes

Cape rack

Item Level
Uses Experience
Oak cape rack
54 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 4 Will hold any capes (see list below) except Capes of Accomplishment and the Quest Point Cape 240
Teak cape rack
63 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 4 Will hold any one Cape of Accomplishment or Quest Point Cape alongside as many other capes as you have (see list below) 360
Mahogany cape rack
72 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 4 Will hold any five Capes of Accomplishment or Quest Point Cape alongside as many other capes as you have (see list below) 560
Gilded cape rack
81 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 4 [image] x 1 Will hold any ten Capes of Accomplishment or Quest Point Cape alongside as many other capes as you have (see list below) 860
Marble cape rack
90 [Image: Construction] [image]
Marble block
x 1 Will hold all Capes of Accomplishment and Quest Point Cape alongside as many other capes as you have (see list below) 500
Magical cape rack
99 [Image: Construction] [image]
Magic stone
x 1 Will hold all Capes of Accomplishment and all other types of cape (see list below) 1000

Capes you can store:
  • Capes of Accomplishment (only teak cape racks and higher)
  • Quest Point Cape
  • TzHaar obsidian cape
  • TzHaar Fire Cape
  • Any one wilderness cape
  • Any Mage Arena god cape
  • Spotted and spottier capes
  • Soul Wars cape