Construction - Portal Chamber


A very useful room for transportation becomes available at level 50 Construction: the portal chamber, where you can select and teleport to various locations in RuneScape.

Key Features

A typical portal chamber
Portals are obviously the key in this room. If you build portals, you can then direct the portals by building a focus in the centrepiece square.

There is a cost for these teleportation portals - you must power it by providing 100 x the runes required for the spell. For example, if you want to direct a portal to Camelot, you will need 500 Air runes, and 100 Law runes to power it.

Please note: You will still get Magic experience for directing the portal, but it will only be 5 x the experience for casting, not 100 times.

The advantage of this is that, when it is done, the portal provides infinite teleports for anyone who uses it, so if you and a group of friends wish to leave your house to go to a location, you can all run through the portal and be teleported.

Location Runes required Quest Requirement
to Build
Law rune
x 100 [image]
Air rune
x 300 [image]
Fire rune
x 100 None
Law rune
x 100 [image]
Air rune
x 300 [image]
Earth rune
x 100 None
Law rune
x 100 [image]
Air rune
x 300 [image]
Water rune
x 100 None
Law rune
x 100 [image]
Air rune
x 500 None
Law rune
x 200 [image]
Water rune
x 200 Plague City
Law rune
x 200 [image]
Earth rune
x 200 Watchtower
Law rune
x 200 [image]
Blood rune
x 100 Desert Treasure

* If you have completed the Varrock Achievement Diary easy tasks, you can talk to Rat Burgiss to swap your teleport location to a point south of the Grand Exchange. Speak to him again to swap it back to the market.

The higher level centrepiece option is the 'scrying pool'. When built, this has the right-click option 'Scry'. When you click this, you can then select a portal you have built (or the entrance portal to your house). When you have done this, you will be viewing the actual location from your house, so you can see what is going on at that destination, or who is waiting outside your house! You can also move the scrying camera with the cursor keys as normal.

The Hotspots

Portal chamber hotspots
As shown in the picture to the left, there are two types of hotspot in the portal chamber that you can construct on:

  • Portal
  • Centrepiece

The Items


Item Level
Uses Experience
Teak portal
50 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 3 Can be directed to a teleport location 270
Mahogany portal
65 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 3 Can be directed to a teleport location 420
Marble portal
80 [Image: Construction] [image]
Marble block
x 3 Can be directed to a teleport location 1500


Item Level
Uses Experience
Teleport focus
50 [Image: Construction] [image]
Limestone brick
x 2 Can be used to direct portals to teleport locations 40
Greater focus
65 [Image: Construction] [image]
Marble block
x 1 Can be used to direct portals to teleport locations 500
Scrying pool
80 [Image: Construction] [image]
Marble block
x 4 Can be used to Scry (view locations) and direct portals to teleport locations 2000