Gu'Tanoth (Members)


You must have reached a certain stage in The Watchtower to gain access to Gu'Tanoth.


Gu'Tanoth, a city of ogres
Though ogres and trolls may seem to have much in common, it should always be remembered that ogres are by far the more creative race. Where trolls think in terms of stone and how best to cook meat (burnt; always burnt), ogres focus on the intricacies of inter-tribal politics and the awesome powers that their shamans can muster.

This creativity is brought across into their architecture, which can only be described as 'following a logic all of its own'. The ogres that settled in Gu'Tanoth, making it the city it is today, are no more peaceful than their less civilised cousins, but are less likely to invade the lands north of their home for the simple reason that it has not occurred to them (that, and the Watchtower of Yanille is quite a good discouragement). Ogre creativity, like all things, has its limit.


Location of Gu'Tanoth
Gu'Tanoth marks the northern boundary of the majority of ogre civilisation, and only a very small number of tribes have settled in the plains inside Kandarin.

To the immediate north-east lies Yanille, while to the south and west is the mass of swampy hills that the ogres might reasonably call their homeland: the Feldip Hills.

Points of Interest

Gu'Tanoth's points of interest
Gu'Tanoth is a strange city, in that it seems to have no dwellings except the caves beneath the rock, or much of note for any interested traveller. While this may appear to be true, the casual visitor should remember that they are not an ogre, and that it is very likely that the city is very well suited to ogres, who really have few interests in common with adventurers (except smashing heads in).

As such, the most obvious feature of Gu'Tanoth is the market, which features a large number of belligerent ogres, as well as a couple of stalls whose owners will not immediately try to bludgeon you to death. Those with a very strong death wish can find the entrance to the Enclave on the west side of the market.

In an odd quirk of social construction, you will no doubt notice that Gu'Tanoth features absolutely no women, or, at least, what ogres might consider women. To find these enigmatic and (to an ogre, possibly) beautiful creatures you will need to journey south through the jungles beyond the Feldip Hills to Oo'glog.

Also of note is the confusing array of labyrinthine tunnels and passages beneath Gu'Tanoth, home to the skittish and shy skavid.


Few ogres have any force of personality to speak of (they prefer force of club or mace), so there are no personalities to speak of in Gu'Tanoth.


There are no quests to start in Gu'Tanoth.

Beasts of the Ogre City

Ogre (Level 53)
Ogres are fairly aggressive creatures, and even the most powerful adventurers have no guarantee that they will not be attacked. Generally, ogres like a good scrap, and humans trying to talk to them is all the excuse they need.
Trader (Level 70)
The ogres that sell their goods to other ogres (and, very occasionally, to visiting humans) are usually the most widely travelled of ogres - some of them have even been to the Tree Gnome Village maze and escaped! Despite this worldliness, they have returned to sell their rock cakes and a few useful trinkets in the Gu'Tanoth market.
Ogres can be found all around Gu'Tanoth. Traders can be found guarding their wares in the market.
Chieftain (Level 81)
The chieftains may not be the largest of the ogres, but they must surely be among the ugliest. They have risen to the tops of their tribes through a combination of strength and physical impressiveness, and now increase this with the addition of blue warpaint.
City Guard (Level 83)
Second only to the mighty ogre shamans in power, the city guards aim to keep the peace. Mercifully, ogres seem to get along fairly well in the city so their job is rather simple. Should anything ferment old tribal rivalries, though, and the city guards would be among the first on the spot, ready to knock teeth out.
Chieftains can be found in several locations throughout Gu'Tanoth. City guards can be found looking over the city from the vantage of one of the towers.
Enclave Guard (Level 83)
The enclave is guarded by ogres presumably hand-picked by the shamans within the cave. They are as fearless as any ogre has any right to be... but thankfully they're not too clever.
The enclave guards can be found at the entrance to the enclave.


  • There are a couple of chests scattered around Gu'Tanoth that, when opened, will reveal some nasty creature that the ogres have no doubt thought it funny to lock inside.
  • Rangers may enjoy looking over the market from the towers - the view of the ogres below is especially charming.