Miscellania and Etceteria (Members)


Kingdoms at War
Once citizens of Rellekka, the first settlers of Miscellania and Etceteria found their island home unforgiving. Piercing oceanic winds billowed their sails and rocky outcrops met their longships, while landfall revealed an island reluctant to be colonised. The starving settlers soon polarised to the ends of the island, bitterly squabbling over whatever growth or product they could garner from the soil. The two factions soon became Miscellania and Etceteria, remote and forgotten by most on the mainland.

Hundreds of years later, the two sides are still at odds, although their people have learnt to make best use of the frugal topsoil. Feeding on nutrient-heavy resources like fish and potatoes, maintaining their maple tree forests and chipping from the northern lodes of coal, the Miscellanians and Etceterians have learnt to help one another to survive, even if their kingdoms stand bitterly at war.


Location of the isles
Miscellania and Etceteria are accessible via the port at Rellekka, south-east from the islands, where a sailor will happily provide free passage.

To the east, over a wide expanse of sea and the frozen wastes, lies the icy ranges north of the Troll Stronghold.

Vast seas stretch out to the north and west. But only Lunar Isle is known to be there.

Points of Interest

Points of interest on the isles
Miscellania and Etceteria have a variety of Fishing spots, Mining opportunities and rare trees, but these will only be indirectly available once you have resolved the problems in Miscellania and Etceteria.

Primarily fishing towns, Miscellania and Etceteria have comprehensive stocks. Visit the fishmonger in either town and you will find a menu that includes some delights of the sea, while also providing the gamut of tools. Though they may argue over who is the superior, both fishmongers have an impressive array.

Gardening connoisseurs will find a spirit tree patch in the south-east of Etceteria, eastward of Farmer Fromund's temperamental garden.

Space has become limited in Miscellania, so perhaps the unexplored dungeons will have to be opened up?


King Vargas
Good-natured, adventurous, and always looking for an opportunity to 'muck in' with his subjects, King Vargas has qualities befitting a successful monarch. His flaming temper hampers this, but the largest obstacle to his rule has recently been his looks. Suddenly transformed into a creature eight feet tall and covered in fur, King Vargas is, unquestionably, a yeti. Accepting that his rule cannot continue in such a state, he is on the look-out for a regent to continue his good work.
Queen Sigrid
Gossip around Etceteria claims that the Queen is envious of King Vargas's army, and this alone explains the enmity between the two of them. Close inspection soon reveals that something deeper lies behind the feud, something that King Vargas's children are keen to address. Sigrid herself seems to enjoy the verbal crossing-of-swords with Vargas, as it brings a splash of colour to the drab life that she finds herself in.
King Vargas fills most of the space of his throne room in Miscellania Palace. Queen Sigrid rules alone in her palace in Etceteria.
Prince Brand
Prince Brand is an aspiring bard, and will be so for some time. With a turn of phrase that would turn a white wolf green, Brand's poetry is frankly terrible. Nevertheless, King Vargas is on the lookout for a bride for his self-absorbed son, who cannot help but be more interested in himself, poetry, sagas and the lilting strum of the harp.
Princess Astrid
In a choice between Brand and the beautiful Astrid, Vargas would take little time in picking the successor to his throne. Astrid is not trusted to be sole ruler, however, and Vargas would prefer someone reliable standing at her side. This may be down to her consuming hobbies of archery and bow collecting, her love of jewellery or her relentless chatter.
Prince Brand rarely leaves the room next to his father's throneroom. Princess Astrid resides in the northern wing of the palace, next to the throneroom.
Advisor Ghrim
Long-suffering right-hand-man to the King, Ghrim is the calming influence to Vargas's overwhelming enthusiasm. Miscellanian legend says that Ghrim, at some point in the cobwebbed past, smiled. That time is long gone, though, and Ghrim chooses instead to be industrious, knowledgeable and sarcastic.
Ghrim rarely leaves King Vargas's side.

Miscellania's Marauders

There are no serious threats to those visiting Miscellania or Etceteria's mainland.


The following quests can be started at Miscellania and Etcetera:

Miscellaneous Miscellania

  • Want to take a load off? Visit north-east Miscellania for a chilled evening ranging penguins. A guaranteed ice breaker.
  • Although the majority of Miscellania and Etceteria's produce is required for simple subsistence, potatoes, wheat and cabbages can be taken from the farmland on southern Miscellania.
  • Advisor Ghrim should be your first port of call after completing Miscellania's two quests. He is next to King Vargas in Miscellania Palace, and is an invaluable guide to Miscellania's intricacies.
  • There is a bank in the north-east of Etceteria. This is convenient for storing away produce gained from Advisor Ghrim after the Royal Trouble quest.
  • Visit the Managing Miscellania page for explanations and strategies for the Miscellania upkeep and reward system.