This rock-hard, tile-based puzzle game will truly give you a run for your crystals.


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Crazy Crystals Members' Benefits
  • 40+ more One-player Puzzles
  • 12 exacting Two-player Puzzles
  • 5 crazy Three-player Puzzles
  • 25 frantic Arcade Levels
  • Loads of extra Achievements
  • Fullscreen mode
  • No adverts during gameplay


Crazy Crystals is a puzzle game in which you have to collect every crystal in each level. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, like all good puzzle games it starts out relatively easy, but later levels get fiendishly difficult. Falling rocks will be the least of your problems as you'll also be contending with bombs, spiders, bouncy balls, sticky balls, lasers, mirrors and some of the most twisted levels ever devised.

It's jam-packed with over 100 levels, split into sets of One-, Two- and Three-player Puzzles, as well as Arcade Levels. There is something for everyone, so it will keep infrequent puzzle dabblers and the most experienced puzzle solvers busy for months.


1. Is Crazy Crystals really that difficult?

The short answer is yes! Saying that, all of the One-player Puzzles are grouped by difficulty and there is a fair learning curve, so everyone will be able to enjoy the game. If a particular level has you stumped, try going back to play earlier levels again. They may remind you of some useful tricks that will help you beat the level you are stuck on. Alternatively, try switching to the Arcade Levels or the Two- or Three-player Puzzles.

2. How can I control my character more precisely?

Your character will only stop moving at the centre of a tile, so if your problem is that you are overshooting where you want to go, make sure to release the movement key early enough. A single, brief keypress will move your character one tile along.

Another tip is that you can hold down two movement keys at the same time (e.g. 'left' and 'up') and your character will move whichever of these two ways it is able to. This can be useful for quickly navigating narrow corridors without stopping - useful if a spider has taken chase!

Finally, it is worth knowing that your character can run up against a ball, as long as it is not moving towards you. Your character will then move into that tile as soon as the ball leaves it, which can be useful for getting through tight gaps, as you don't have to rely on precise timing.

3. How does the points scoring work?

Points are earned for things like collecting crystals, blowing up bombs, opening safes and killing spiders. Your character must be involved in these things in some way to receive points for them. For instance, if a level was set up to kill a spider without your character having to do anything, you may not receive the points for that. This system allows us to accurately award points in the Two- and Three-player Puzzles.

You can also earn bonus points for doing things like killing all spiders on a level, or blowing up all bombs. In order to get these bonuses, they have to be done before the last crystal is collected. There is a 'Still Alive' bonus available in the Two- and Three-player Puzzles if your character is, funnily enough, still alive when that last crystal is collected.

4. Can I play the multiplayer levels over the Internet?

Unfortunately not. The multiplayer levels can only be played locally, with you and your friends sitting at the same computer.

5. What do all of the objects in the game do?

If there is an object in the game you are unfamiliar with, just click on it with the mouse and information about that object will be displayed in the side-panel.

6. What are the minimum specifications for this game?

The minimum specifications we recommend for this game are:

  • 1.0 GHz
  • 128 MB RAM

The recommended specifications for getting the most out of this game are:

  • 1.5 GHz
  • 256 MB RAM

Below is an explanation of the terms in our technical specifications.

Megahertz (MHz) / Gigahertz (GHz) is a measure of how fast your computer's processor is. This affects how quickly you can run things like games and applications.

Megabytes (MB) are used to measure how much memory your computer has. This affects how quickly your computer runs when using large programs such as games, or when you run a lot of programs at once.

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Development Team

Development: Ben D, Thomas D
Graphics: Joe R, John S, Anthony A
Audio: Ian T
Quality Assurance: David H, Joe C, Craig S, Michael T, Karl R, John H, David H
Editing: Stephen R

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