Ogre Enclave (Members)


The Enclave is by no means 'safe', there are many dangers within this area, including blue dragons, greater demons and ogre shamans to name a few. Be careful you do not attack the ogre shamans, as they will inflict incredible damage in short amounts of time.

You must have reached a certain point in the Watch Tower quest to gain access to the Ogre Enclave.


A blue dragon with the Ogre Enclave
The shamans that guide the ogres' spiritual beliefs are powerful Magic users capable of remarkable feats that seem to defy the humans' perception of ogres as stupid or dull-witted. Within the Enclave the shamans practise their strange arts and test themselves against the various mighty beasts they have brought there.


Location of Ogre Enclave

The Enclave is located in Gu'Tanoth, the city of the ogres, found near the border of Kandarin and the Feldip hills.

To get into the Enclave, you must be at a certain stage of (or completed) the Watch Tower quest. After completion, locate the entrance and speak with the Enclave guard to confuse him and sneak back in.

Points of Interest

Interesting areas of the Ogre Enclave
The Enclave is quite large and contains a variety of monsters, some more dangerous than others.

If you want to train your Ranged or Magic, there is a useful spot here for attacking greater demons safely, as there is a collection of them in a caged-off area.

Blue dragons also litter the Enclave, again with some areas providing spaces for Ranged training.


Enclave Guard
The Enclave guard isn't the brightest of ogres (not that this says much). After you have completed the Watchtower quest and wish to get back into the Enclave, you must speak with the Enclave guard to ask permission to go in... or just confuse him enough to sneak past.


There are no quest starts in the Ogre Enclave.

Dangers of the Dungeon

Skeleton (Level 22/25)
Skeletons may look harmless and weak, but their lack of muscles is more than made up for by the potent magic that holds them together. If you choose to fight skeletons, you may notice the skeleton's bones will give way when crushing attacks are used.
Chieftain (Level 81)
The chieftains may not be the largest of the ogres, but they must surely be among the ugliest. They have risen to the tops of their tribes through a combination of strength and physical impressiveness, and now increase this with the addition of blue warpaint.
Skeletons are found wandering around all parts of the enclave. Chieftains can be found all over the Enclave.
Greater Demon (Level 92)
Greater demons are made of the stuff of destruction and pain. They exist solely to bring suffering and death to anyone unprepared, and they certainly look the part. They have excellent defence, but as they are essentially magical creatures, they are particularly weak against mages.
Blue Dragon (Level 111)
Blue dragons are not to be underestimated. At level 111, with the power to breathe fire and inflict vast amounts of melee damage, blue dragons will have no problem killing the unprepared warrior. Ensure you bring an anti-dragonbreath shield if you wish to take one on.
Greater demons can be found in the caged area of the Enclave. There is also one wandering about near the exit. Blue dragons are located throughout the Enclave.
Ogre Shaman (Level 113)
Ogre shamans are not to be interacted with unless you wish for a swift and painful death. Even talking with a shaman will annoy it, and initiating combat will not work against these foes.
There are a few shamans around the Enclave; keep your distance!


  • With the caged greater demons and roaming blue dragons, this area may prove useful if you have these monsters as your Slayer target.