One Small Favour (Members)

If you're new to Shilo Village after solving the mystery (or even if you did it some time ago), you may like to check out Yanni Salika's antiques shop.

He's a busy chap, revamping antique items, checking out new stock from potential adventurers and maybe he'll have a small(1) favour to ask of you. It is probably nothing particularly large - Yanni isn't a demanding(2) person, after all - and it should hardly take you any time(3) at all really. Just something to do when you have a spare moment.

That's assuming there aren't any complications.

1: - Perception of the word "small" may be open to interpretation.

2: - In a recent vote, Yanni Salika was only voted the second most demanding person in Shilo Village.

3: - As everyone knows, time is relative.
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Antiques shop in Shilo Village
To Start: Speak to Yanni Salika
Quest Length: Short*

(* With some longer parts as well.)
Minimum Requirements:
Rune Mysteries
Shilo Village
Level 36 Agility
Level 25 Crafting
Level 18 Herblore
Level 30 Smithing
Must defeat a level 92 foe

This may take you longer than you think.

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Items Other Quest points

2 x 10000 experience to add to skills over level 30

Steel keyring

Ability to fly to the Feldip Hills

2 QP
Development Team
Developer: Tytn H
Graphics: John S, Joe R
Quality Assurance: Chris E
QuestHelp: Ingrid J
Audio: Ian T