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Developers' Blogs

Developer's Blogs

Supporting Clans by


Mod Timbo talks about how clan support within Community Management works and what's planned for 2010. Read More

Quoth Mod Raven by


Mod Raven has recently moved jobs at Jagex, from Community Management over to the RuneScape Content, and he's got his first project... Read More

Clan Submissions Page by


In this edition of the clan blog, we have an interview from the Gladiatorz, an overview of Exodus vs Crimson Raider, plus some more clan art... Read More

What Constitutes the Change? by


In this blog, we look at some of the reasons why the Hitpoints skill has changed to the Constitution skill, and why 'hitpoints' are now called 'life points' and are 10x as large. Read More

What's a Grandmaster Quest? by


In the first of a semi-regular blog series, RuneScape's Lead Designer, Mod Mark, explains some of what goes into deciding quest difficulty levels. Read More

Save the Date! by


On the weekend of the 12th of March 2010, we will be running a "bonus XP weekend" for RuneScape members. This blog attempts to answer questions which we're expecting to be asked after the official announcement. Read More

A Day in the Life by


Guten Tag, bonjour, bom dia - it’s the Jagex translation team, with a short insight into RuneScape's life in other languages. Read More

A History of Non-violence by


Mod Maz is working on a few projects at the moment, one of which is aimed at players who enjoy training all non-combat skills... Read More

Clan Submissions Page by


In this Clan Submissions Page we're interviewing The Sabres and celebrating 'The' Clan's 10th birthday, among other things... Read More

The Orb of Oculus by


Mod Fnord speaks about machinima and a strange device called the Orb of Oculus... Read More

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