Advisors and Tutors

Help Around Lumbridge

The Lumbridge Combat Instructors
As you take your first steps around RuneScape, you may not know where to begin. The world of RuneScape is large and can seem daunting, so some information or advice could come in useful.

Luckily, Lumbridge is full of people eager to offer their advice. For one, it is the home of the Lumbridge Sage, who is unparalleled in his knowledge of the area. You would do well to visit him and ask about local geography and history.

[image]Others are similarly happy to help. A question mark icon on your world map, like the one to the left, represents a character who is happy to dispense advice for free about their chosen subject.

The shops in Lumbridge will also offer you free samples, as a taster of what their shop offers. This can prove invaluable if you do not have enough gold to replace a tool you had been using. The following shops all participate in this offer:
  • Bob's Brilliant Axes
  • Lumbridge fish supplies
  • Lumbridge general store
Also, Lumbridge is home to the combat instructors: three fighting enthusiasts who are happy to impart their knowledge and let you train at their dummies and ranges. As they will tell you themselves, the practice area is no substitute for actual combat experience, and the XP you gain here will be much less than what you would gain from a fight with a walking, breathing opponent. The combat instructors can be found just north of Lumbridge Castle.

There are many people with useful information to offer, you just need to explore the starting area and talk to anyone you find! For further information about any skill, please read the Skill Guides.


The Advisor System
[image]Completing Unstable Foundations gives you access to Roddeck, who you can call at any time with one click of the advisor button. This button is situated next to your minimap, or on the top-right corner of your objectives side interface (represented by a signpost icon).

Clicking on this question mark icon will open up the advisor system: a list of every subject that Roddeck feels you would be interested in, based on where you are, what you are doing, your current levels and even what you are holding. Roddeck knows a great deal about a variety of subjects, from skills to combat, money-making to banking, gaining health to burying bones; often it is worth just browsing the advice he offers to build up a full and comprehensive knowledge of the early game.

The advice that Roddeck offers comes in four separate forms. The first is from the man himself: by clicking on "Ask Roddeck for advice" you will get some succinct words from Roddeck about your chosen subject. These will most often be direct answers to the questions highlighted in yellow in the Advisors System.

You will also be able to "Read more on the website", which will open a separate tab in your browser. On this tab you will find the relevant Knowledge Base page for that subject, offering more comprehensive advice, should you need it.

You can access tutorials, which will take you through, step-by-step, how to perform a particular action; for example, "Tutorial: Using the bank" will guide you to a nearby bank and then show you how to deposit and withdraw a leaflet. The tutorials can only be accessed in the starting area.

Finally, Roddeck will offer to plot an arrow to a nearby and useful area. If you are after somewhere to mine, fish or simply get some free stuff, an arrow will appear both on your minimap and your world map, directing you to a suitable area.

Once you have finished receiving advice from Roddeck, simply click on the 'x' at the top-right of the interface and continue to explore!