Lletya (Members)


In order to gain access to Lletya, you must first have completed Roving Elves.

Once you have started Mourning's Ends Part One you will receive a tiny crystal capable of teleporting you directly to Lletya.


Lletya, the secret home of the elves
Far to the west of the lands of men, beyond the mountains that seem to be the western edge of RuneScape, is the forest of Isafdar and the elves that live there. They are a civilisation older than the dreams of men, and their lives are almost as long. In the past they were one mighty nation, ruled from Prifddinas, but several centuries ago there was a split, and now the rebel elves make their home in Lletya.

Lletya is essentially a single lodge used as a base, crafted from the trees that grow around it, and to the casual observer there is nothing there at all. Should the wanderer know where to look - and how to look - the lodge would appear out of the tangle of the forest. The rebel elves of Lletya are a secretive bunch, and they guard their base well.


Location of Lletya
Lletya is in the far south-east of the forests of Isafdar, where prying eyes are unlikely to look, and where they are well protected by the many traps and dangers that the forest hides.

North-west of the lodge is the traditional elven capital of Prifddinas, though few of the rebel elves have seen beyond its walls in recent times.

Lletya is bordered on three sides by the mountains that separate Isafdar from the rest of RuneScape, and to the north-east beyond lies West Ardougne.

Points of Interest

Lletya's points of interest
Being essentially a single building, it is a simple matter to navigate between the ground and the floors above, and the elves are welcoming to those that have proven themselves to be friends.

The lodge features the usual general store and banks, but also holds an excellently stocked archery store and an altar to Seren. Lletya's Seamstress also offers a good range of dyes, without needing to bring her any supplies.

South-east of the lodge is a small flax field; which those interested in Fletching can take to the clothing store to spin on a wheel into bow strings.

Conveniently for those who choose to trap the tiny pawya throughout Isafdar, there is a fruit tree Farming patch in the south-east corner of Lletya.


Arianwyn is the spokesman of the rebel elves, whose wisdom and clarity of speech is reknowned. He is cunning and a powerful warrior, but if he should ever be lost, the rebel elves would be hard pressed to replace him.
Arianwyn can be found in the main hall in the east of the lodge.


The following quests can be started in Lletya:

Natives of Isafdar

Dire Wolf (Level 88)
Few citizens of RuneScape ever wish to deal with this kind of wolf: dire wolves are massive, violent beasts well suited to their name. They merrily tear chunks of meat from foolish adventurers, then sit back and wait for more to come along.
Elf Warrior (Level 90/108)
Elves live far longer than humans, and those that choose a military life have decades to hone skills that humans must train in months. As a result, elf warriors are among the most dangerous defenders of any town or city in RuneScape. They wield vicious pikes and crystal bows, but are weaker in the face of stabbing attacks.
Dire wolves can be found prowling near the entrance to Lletya. Elf warriors can be found patrolling Lletya.


  • Slayer Masters may occasionally assign you to kill elves, but you need not worry about a Slayer level requirement (worry about their blades and arrows instead).
  • West of Lletya is a good spot for collecting whiteberries. Combined with a bank, this makes Lletya a good place for those hoping to make a super Defence potion.
  • You can also train your pickpocketing in Lletya, though elves are much more observant than men, so you'd best have a high level.