Controls - Movement


Traversing RuneScape can be achieved by using your mouse. For single-button mice, move the mouse to where you want to go and click the button. For mice with two or more buttons, move where you want to go and click the left mouse button.

The 'X' indicates your character's destination
If this is done correctly, your character will start moving and a small yellow 'X' will flash briefly on the spot where your character will stop.

You can make your character run to a spot by holding the 'CTRL' key on your keyboard before clicking where you wish them to move.

If you wish to move around quickly, you can set your character to run for as long as there is some running energy available. This feature can be turned on through the option screen or by clicking the run energy status globe next to your minimap. Read the Options section for more information.

You can replenish your run energy by right-clicking on the run button or status globe and selecting 'Rest'. If you do so near a musician, your run energy will replenish even faster.

You can also move around by clicking in the compass view at the top right-hand corner of the game window. When you click on a location in the compass view where movement is allowed, a red flag will appear, indicating where your character will stop.

Starting Area

Starting area wall
A vast wall bounds the edges of Misthalin, hemming in Lumbridge, Varrock and Draynor Village - the area considered to be the 'starting area'. Guards keep watch at a number of gaps in the wall, warning anyone with a total skill level of below 60 that they are about to cross into more dangerous areas. Adventurers of a higher level are free to pass without incident.

A similar warning will be given to any lower-level player who enters a dungeon that leads out of the starting area.

Dangerous Areas

The warning system
As you walk about RuneScape you will eventually come across some dangerous areas. These will be marked by the warnings that pop up as you try to enter them, like the warning to the right. Once you become familiar with these by visiting those locations several times you will be able to turn them off. Click here to read more about the warning system and the Doomsayer.