Kalphite Hive (Members)


The Kalphite Hive is NOT the safest place in RuneScape. Aside from the soldiers and guardians that can poison you, this hive contains the Kalphite Queen. The Kalphite Queen is one of the toughest monsters in RuneScape, and she can inflict incredible amounts of damage, sometimes constantly. Please only bring items into the hive you are willing to lose.


Defeating the Kalphite Queen
There is an opening in the desert which allows access to one of the most dangerous places in RuneScape. The ancient Kalphite Empire has made its home here, where the dust and heat of the lands above allow only the most determined of adventurers' passage.

While the walk around the kalphite tunnels may seem punishing enough to most, at the end of the tunnel lies a beast with tremendous power, waiting to unleash it on anyone who dares to attack her. The Kalphite Queen, level 333, enjoys two things the most: killing individuals and killing teams. You have been warned...


Location of the Kalphite Hive
To get to the Kalphite Hive, you must enter the desert. The easiest way to do this is from the Shantay Pass.

The Shantay Pass is located south of Al Kharid. To go through the Pass, you will need to buy a Shantay pass from the nearby Shantay for a small fee.

The entrance is due west of the Shantay Pass, and is really a short run. If you are lucky and fast, the heat of the desert will not effect you. You will require a rope to enter the dungeon, which will be used in the process.

Alternatively, those with access to Dorgesh-Kaan will be able to find a tunnel in the Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon that leads through to the Kalphite Hive, emerging near the kalphite soldiers.

Please note: To enter the second tunnel into the Kalphite Queen area, you will need a second rope, so ensure you and anyone you bring with you has the necessary supplies.

Points of Interest

Interesting areas of the Kalphite Hive
The map to the left shows the layout of the kalphite area. The workers are the lowest level kalphite that you can attack. They are good prey if you have a lower Combat level and are hunting kalphites for Slayer.

Going deeper into the tunnels, you will meet kalphite soldiers. There is a large room full of kalphite soldiers. It is here you will find a few potato cactus spawnpoints, useful for higher-level herbalists.

Continuing round, you will no doubt spot two huge guardians guarding a second tunnel entrance. If you have another rope, you can go down into the Kalphite Queen chamber.


Weird Old Man
Who knows how this crazy old man got here, but if you chat with him, you may learn why he is the way he is... He has ventured too deep into the unknown and (luckily) lived to tell the tale, warning adventurers and hunters of the perilous dangers below.
The Weird Old Man can be found just outside the hive, near the well you use your first rope with.


There are no quests to start in the Kalphite Hive.

The Kalphite Empire

Kalphite worker (Level 28)
Kalphite workers are the lowest attackable form of kalphite you will come across in the hive. They are not poisonous, and not really dangerous. If you are a lower level, watch out as they may be aggressive towards you in this multicombat area.
Kalphite Soldier (Level 85)
Kalphite soldiers are just like normal soldiers: toughened and good in a fight. These should be considered dangerous; they will pinch away at you, inflicting poison as well as the normal damage. If you are looking to fight these, it is wise you bring antipoison.
The workers can be found busying themselves in the entrance area, or are summoned by the Kalphite Queen. Kalphite soldiers are found a little further around the tunnels.
Kalphite Guardian (Level 141)
The highest threat of the 'normal' kalphites. These monsters enjoy nothing more than giving you a firm pinch, which not only damages, but inflicts poison. They should not be underestimated by any means, and should only be engaged if you think you are strong enough to take them on.

[image] [image]
Kalphite Queen - Level 333 (1st form) Kalphite Queen - Level 333 (2nd form)
You will have no trouble finding the Kalphite Queen when you enter her chamber. She is massive - the biggest kalphite by far - and will always be on the hunt, so it is wise to find her before she finds you.

While the Queen does not pray to any gods, she is naturally immune to certain forms of attack. In her first form she is immune to Magic and Ranged attacks, and will happily eat any adventurer foolish enough to try. She is tough to fight, and will use Magical, Ranged and melee attacks against you, all which can hit in excess of 300 damage.
Once you have defeated the first form of the Kalphite Queen, she will open up and her second form will fly out.

In her second form she is no longer immune to Magic or Ranged attacks, but as she flies above the ground she is immune to melee attacks. This means of course you will have to use Ranged or Magic attacks against her. She will still be a tough fight, and will continue to use Magic, Ranged and melee attacks against you, all of which can hit in excess of 300 damage.


  • Cats can chase the kalphite larva found in and around the hive.
  • The Kalphite Queen drops the most sought after chainbody in the game: the dragon chainbody.
  • Some warriors have ventured into the hive with dragon two-handed swords to fight the Queen. None have returned, so she may drop one of these sought-after swords on the rare occasion.