What Lies Below (Members)

A travelling trader has been stranded south of Varrock after his cart was attacked by local outlaws. He needs the help of a hero to recover his lost documents, but that's not all...

The Varrock Palace Secret Guard (VPSG) are on the trail of treacherous dealings with the Monks of Zamorak. Will you be able to help the VPSG and uncover what lies below?
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: South of Varrock
To Start: Speak to Rat Burgiss
Quest Length: Short-Medium
Minimum Requirements:
Level 35 Runecrafting

Be scared of the dark

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

Warning: Spoilers Below  To view the spoiler, please click below:Show spoiler...
Experience Items Other Quest Points

8000 Runecrafting
2000 Defence

Beacon Ring

Alternative route to the chaos altar

Varrock Museum display update - talk to Historian Minas

1 QP
Development Team
Developer: Danny J
Graphics: Matthew M, Paul B, Kavi M, Giuseppe G
Quality Assurance: Kevin D
QuestHelp: Rob K
Audio: Adam B