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"Dutch Lessons!"

30-Jun-2010 15:55:18
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 07:15:06 by Queen�Furax
Hello everybody. In this thread i will try to learn you some Dutch. Dutch? Thats a Diffecuilt Lenguage? No its not. U will see its quit easy to learn Dutch words. why they are simply? Because they look like the English words. Lets start out first Dutch Lesson.

~Chapiter 1 Familly!~

In this Lesson we are gonna talk about Familly. Like your mother,father sister and brother. First a wordlist. Try to learn the words that i written down here. I

~Familly List~
Mother - moeder.
Father - vader.
Brother - broer.
Sister - Zus.
Childeren - kinderen.
Aunt - Tante.
Uncle - Oom.
Nephew - Neef.
Cousin - Nicht.
Familly tree - Stamboom.
Grandmother - Oma.
Grandfather - Opa.

~Tessting your self~
My .... is a sister of my mother.
My .... has married with my ....
My .... is the sun of my aunt en uncle.

And? How i went? Did you know no them al? I hope so. If you dont its better you are repeating the familly names again until you know them all. compliments if you know them all! This was my First lesson Dutch. in the next chapiter we are gonna talk about places to live.

I hope you enjoyd your Dutch Lesson! Tomorrow there will be a new cahpiter about places to live! Questions? Ask them on this thread. I hope you enjoy it! See you tomorrow. I hope. Oww i forgot something to say. The Aswers from the tessting your self will be placed on this thread tomorrow. Goodbye!
Forum Mod

30-Jun-2010 21:42:05
Last edited on 30-Jun-2010 21:44:52 by Dark�Moon�X5
Very nice! Thanks for the help, I was wondering about learning about some family. :)

Thanks for making this! Every little bit really helps. :)

What About Grandmother and Grandfather?

�,-��*���*��-````I am ruthless, as tough as bark````-��*���*��-,�
��*��-,�,-�-,� `I am fast, I am strong, I am the dark`�,-�-,�,-��*��

01-Jul-2010 07:15:54
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 07:25:10 by Queen�Furax
~Answers from the testing your self (Family)~
1. Tante.
2. Moeder en Vader.
3. Neef.

~Chapiter 2 Places to live~

Heey Guys, today we are gonna talk about places to live. Where are you living, what country? In a house? Ore maybe in Jail :O. Alright, lets start. First our word list for today. Its going about places to live!

~Places to live~
House - Huis.
Jail - Gevangenis.
Country - Land.
World - wereld.
City - Stad.

This is the word list for today. Now a Task for you. Lets see if you remember the words from yesterday!

Translate the (....) Words from english to dutch, Good Luck!

My (grandmother) Lives in a (city).
My (Cuisin) is in (jail).
My (Mother) is cleaning the (house).

The Answers from this Task will be places tomorrow on this Thread. You learnd some more about places to live? Try to learn the words. I hope i see you tomorrow. Tomorrow we are gonna talk about School. So see you on School! Bye.

01-Jul-2010 10:14:17
Your English grammar isn't that good though :P
Just go on with this thread, ur doing a good job ;)
I also made a thread like this with colours, numbers and some stuff like that... If anyone wants to check it out... U can find it somewhere here :P

~The Feronix

07-Jul-2010 12:48:22
Dutch is really hard! I am going to classes. Hopefully i ever learn good dutch.

07-Jul-2010 12:54:08
Wow! Deze lessen zijn echt goed! Ik spreek nu ineens vloeiend nederlands! Bedankt voor je lessen!

07-Jul-2010 18:53:25
lol, i thonk that queen is very happy now!

if i may, here are some items in much houses!

computer = computer
TV = TV ( lol )
stairs = trap
photo = Foto
fruit = fruit
apple = appel
peanut = pinda
orange = sinaasappel ( fruit ) or oranje ( color )

i have these helps :P!

08-Jul-2010 11:05:42
Dutch has one of the richest vocabulary in the world.
Just having words that resemble their english counterparts doesn't make it an easy language.
Though the native runescape language is English and since Dutch is a germanic language as well, they have some things in common.
But Dutch can be a pain to learn. :P I have family members with experience. XD

I do like this thread though, it's a nice way to help people.

But the first thing they'll have to learn right now is.

''Nederland gaat Spanje verslaan. We laten ze eens wat zien! Hup Holland Hup!''

08-Jul-2010 14:23:49
im bad at english, but i can translate some words:

sleep = slaap or slapen
bed = bed and beds = bedden
elevator = lift and elevators = liften
toilet = WC (im not talking about WoodCutting)
group = groep and groups = groepen
trade = ruil and traden = ruilen
head = hoofd and heads = hoofden
iron = ijzer
potion = gif
i = ik
i'm gonna sleep = ik ga slapen
how much? = hoe duur?
coffee = koffie
chair = stoel

- killmen221

09-Jul-2010 22:25:11
Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 22:26:50 by PpvlOO7
Nice thread ;) Can I show some new translations? * I hope I can, or feel free to say no! *

If it's allright, let's have some fun with translations of animals/pets =]

=== Farm animals ===

Horse = Paard
Pig = Varken
Cow = Koe (and a Coward is in Dutch not a Koeward, lol)
Sheep = Schaap
Goat = Geit
Chicken = Kip (The evil chicken is in Dutch "De Boosaardige Kip";)

=== Pets ===

Dog = Hond
Cat = Kat (Poes = Female, Kater = Male)
Guinea Pig = Cavia (Not Guinea Varken)
Fish = Vis (Fishing = Vissen)
Canary = Kanarie

I hope you learned something about Farm animals and/or Pets ;)

~ JTIetal
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