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Bonus Xp Week

16-Jun-2010 04:19:40
Last edited on 16-Jun-2010 04:27:52 by Awsomejared7
Dear Jagex,
Bonus xp weekend was a good idea;)
Please make more. But The idea was very impressive:D.sorry the thread was short:P Look for my Thread in- Suggestions about Bonus Xp week.


Players comment if you agree.

16-Jun-2010 09:51:51
I am totaly agree with this sugestion!

16-Jun-2010 12:28:24
Jagex that was the best day of my life!

16-Jun-2010 12:47:59
Was a very good idea, i personally think that therre should be double xp weekends on holidays e.g christmas and halloween.

16-Jun-2010 13:19:02
It is awesome!

16-Jun-2010 15:40:55

01-Jul-2010 05:08:32
Thank you guys for support!:) You know what would might be better...well you know how our constitution level's and hit ratio's were times by ten there should be a xp x10 week for everyone though. But Jagex is Really imprissing me so far.

01-Jul-2010 05:28:26
I dont think so, that would cause massive riots, I really liked bonus xp weekend, but I think they should only be every 6 months.

01-Jul-2010 06:07:59
I completely agree. Double xp weekend was fun. It gets people talking and almost all your friends come online for the special occasion. I would love to see more of these. It really does help out alot, both on your xp counter, and the attitude of the players. We get excited and can't wait to get that level we've been striving to get. Now of course we can't have them every weekend because that would be overkill. But every month or two I would love to see these double xp weekends.

01-Jul-2010 12:02:39
I agree, there should be another Double Experience Weekend since i missed the last one :@
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