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What creates fake/street price

19-Dec-2009 18:53:03
Last edited on 03-Feb-2010 18:47:41 by I�ll�Hunt�u
This is according to what I have understood till now... If you agree with what I say, please post support or I agree.

Around a year ago, there were some items that were considered as "rare junk". these items were unsellable in GE. they would be sold sometimes as junk to even out street/fake prices of 3rd age. 3rd age back then was very valuable. The items that were then "rare junk" are completely bought out now. Yes there items are: The partyhats, christmas cracker, half full wine jug, pumpkin, easter eggs, and disks of returning.

A certain number of people, with virtually "inifinite cash" bought these items out. Now these items are u*buyable. they have fake prices that are crazy! But these items can't be just limited to a certain class of highly rich merchants. others want them as well. but the merchers want some "mass profitable" items in return for them. Thus fake prices of other items such as mint cakes were created. To create a certain currency for the discontinued items, merchants or merch clans created bought out items that are almost impossible to buy in GE. A very common item that is a currency for discontinued items is mint cakes. They have a street price of 4m? But what make a useless item so valuable? Merch clans.

Merch clans, private or open both are to blame. Private ones buy out items and create fake prices. Their members merch items. for example black flowers.. from 7k to 140k and then sell this crashing junk with rares or other buyouts. Plain pizzas are another bought out item. but what made this item so crazily in demand? Rememebr when you would buy some pineapple pizzas in GE and you'd get them for below med usually. Well merch clans were irritated with that and so they made them rise by fairly 300% or so... now turning plain pizzas into pineapple pizzas had become highly profitable thus there was a crazy demand for them.
This also goes with (unf) herblore potions.

19-Dec-2009 18:53:10
Last edited on 17-Mar-2010 15:41:43 by I�ll�Hunt�u
torstol herbs were bought out and reached prices of 8.5k and still rising where as the (unf) pot is worth only 3.5k.Now of course (unf) potions won't buy in GE. Thus they gained street values and became another currency for rares.

Another item known as the pith helm was bought out buy only 1 player. And he was able to get the item a street price of upto 100m. 1 day I asked a friend to buy some in GE. He bought 2 over night in the grand exchange. Rofl.., an item that people bought in tarde from 10m-100m, was buyable in GE. Now that player dumped alot of his helms, so they have lost their street value significantly.

Anyways lets get back to the merch clans. Merch clans buy out items, and over time these items can rise by 500% or so... when dumped some members can't sell their items. Now this is when they use their rares/bought out items that have street values to get rid of their crashing junk.

Pretty much all I can say is these fake values are created by merch clans, usually private ones, and mostly are quite beneficial for their members.

Now once more some more items are being bought out. The H'ween masks, but this won't be very easy since the public has alot of them. Thus the merch clans won't be able to buy them out. Well atleast not permanently. The santas rose alot in value from an average of 14m - 32.5m. Why? Well if I can get my facts right, three player bought large amounts of them. So the value of the santa hat is in their hand.

The reason why certain items gain street values and why some other items off the merch clans don't is simple. the rares, have no supply, their is a fixed amount and is bought out. so that's it, until someone dumps a whole big chuck off them... no fall in them. The spirit shields(divine and elysian) are bought out due to their rarity, but I believe they too are in such a position to be another currency for rares. Though I really wonder how long they'd last.

Have a look at page 16, posts 7 and 8 by SuperFamic**.

19-Dec-2009 18:53:19
Last edited on 19-Jun-2010 20:35:47 by I�ll�Hunt�u
I've noticed that many people miss the thread's main point. The main idea is that the GE allows hoarding to be done. The GE is a great system, unique andm akes things very simple. But it shouldn't allow people to own too much of a certain item. That ruins things by creating them bought-out.

19-Dec-2009 19:13:21
Last edited on 22-Jun-2010 10:47:51 by I�ll�Hunt�u
Some players simply post that these over-priced items are just rare:

Rare? Don't you mean bought out?!

You're referring to the same rares that were once crashing and unwanted by all. The same rares that were almost impossible to sell or get rid off. Also, easter egg is one of these "rares". And now that it's being dumped it's crashing.

It's funny how this term rare over time is given to such a variety of items, and also how the term junk is given to a variety of items. in 2008, 3rd age was a symbol of pure rarity, unobtainable by most. But then soon it was dumped and crashes to gained the name of junk. Then the partyhats and edibles, that were once junk, came the new symbol of pure rarity and they shifted from being junk to rares. Along with these the divine/elysian shifted between being junk and rare. It's funny how something that is rare can be junk and something that is junk can be rare.

The true way to term these items should be is "bought out or hoarded" or "being dumped". When everyone was selling partyhats they were in a way being dumped, they were junk; and now that they're hoarded by a few numbers of players, they're rare. Same with 3a, when it was bought out, it was rare, when it got dumped, it was junk. Same thing with the ely/div, bought out = rare, being dumped = junk.
Forum Mod

19-Dec-2009 19:21:39
Well, overall what it comes down to is a few Rich players decide what prices they'd pay/sell their rares for and then everyone else gets word of those prices and then figure "Hmm, yeah, that sounds good" and then follow through with it.

This Economy is based solely on Price Manipulation now.

20-Dec-2009 06:12:05
Well said...

20-Dec-2009 08:18:39
Half wine is almost extinct in the game, they are are probably as rare as crackers so i think they are justified being u*buyable in the G.E. But then if you look at Easter egg's people are buying them for a lot because it isn't price manipulation they will genuinely be a lot rarer in the short term because they can be eaten.

With most items they are more valuable to the player than what the G.E states. And that is where we are going wrong. if we got rid of the g.e now then i think we would make a lot of people poor.

20-Dec-2009 09:02:26
Last edited on 20-Dec-2009 09:04:11 by Ibiza�Dream
Nice explanation. And this one also does worry me: PVP statuettes which you sell to guy for pure cash. Before this update you got drops which you sold through GE basically to other players for their money, but now with these statuettes money is simply created out of nothing. This simply devaluates money that is already in circulation and rs economics problems will never dissapear because of these statuettes which inflates whole damn market

Now i also wanna know if this was did by jagex on purpose or they never really think what a NEW UPDATE will cause to the game, so far i really think their making way of sollutions are "smart" ideas by the tea and none of them really thinks what these updates will cause.

Thank you for attention

20-Dec-2009 11:35:55
IlIoARGHoIlI, Half-wine is indeed very rare, but no one ever wanted it before. Now that they're bought out, people want it for profit...

You say that removal off GE would make people poor. Incorrect. Street values are given to items such as rares and bought outs. Removal off GE would make buying out items hard. Thus before the GE was introduced, santas or H'ween masks, or almost all the other rares were never valued this much.

You say that it'd make people poor? I doubt that, many items are rising in price today due to the fact that mercher/merch clans stock on them and that causes prices to rise. Without the GE, since they won't be able to buy them out so easily, and the influx of the items would still continue to exist, Prices would slowly begin to decline. The part about GE shows prices less than their real value, that part relates to the rares and stuff. You really think majority of RS wnats that stuff?! most people want nice armros and weapons, which just keep on risings and rising. If GE was removed those items would slowly drop in price and more people would be happier cuase they could buy them. Only people that would lose money would be those merchers who stocked up on them.

20-Dec-2009 11:41:27
Last edited on 20-Dec-2009 11:41:53 by I�ll�Hunt�u
Ibiza Dream, some very true statements there, and tbh I posted a suggestion to resolve that problem some time ago, but my thread was spammed with player hating pkers...

Before the statuette update, the market remained stable, now the scale is highly unbalansed. Money is only being poured in and in...

Sadly according to Jagex, they make the combat triangle also balanced. but I wish they looked more deeply at the facts and find out how wrong they are.
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