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Game Update FAQ - 05/07/10
Jagex Mod

06-Jul-2010 16:24:32
Last edited on 06-Jul-2010 16:25:34 by Mod�Emilee
RuneScape Content
Recent Update - FAQ

This sticky has been created in response to the most commonly asked questions regarding the most recent game update.

Whilst we continue to gather feedback, we will add any other frequently asked questions regarding this update to this thread.

Be sure to come back regularly! :)

"Can you use boosts on the new Love Story quest?"

Stat-boosters such as potions and Evil Stew, yes. The invisible boost of the crystal saw doesn�t help (because it only works when you�re constructing things with the saw).

"What is the 'Thingyummywut'?"

It looks like Traiborn summoned it. You could ask him for more information, but he�s not known for giving coherent answers. All we know is that it�s big, it shoots spells, and it scared the living daylights out of three powerful battle mages.

If you�ve got an idea of how the Thingummywut might look, you could send it to our Players� Gallery (check out QFC: 103-104-15-61111641 for more info).

"Where does Mabel go after the quest?"

She looks a bit like a farm-worker, doesn�t she? I guess she lives wherever the other farmers live. I�m afraid we don�t plan to let you act on Zeneviva�s advice about kicking Mabel for being useless.

"Can we revisit the WOM's house? I didn't look around properly!"

Sorry, no. You can�t visit someone�s house when they haven�t been into it themselves, and he says at the end of the quest that he & Zenevivia don�t want to go back there.

One little secret that Zenevivia didn�t share with Dionysius was that the house�s upper rooms were all completely empty. The house simply looked more imposing with an upper floor.

"Why couldn't I keep the mechanical dummy and release it like you can with the other clockwork toys?"

During the quest, the Wise Old Man has to guide you through the process of making it, and he provides the magical power to animate it. Now that his domestic life is more interesting, he�s not keen to follow you to a clockmaker�s bench to help you make more toys.

"Can we expect a sequel?"

We aren�t planning anything at the moment. This quest was intended to tidy up the Wise Old Man�s storyline, ending with �and they lived happily ever after�. That said, the characters are still available for use, and there�s no reason why we couldn�t do more with them in future if we get a good idea.

"Why is house room limit the same as it was before, even though we got a new room?"

Dungeon pits are intended as an optional replacement for dungeon corridors. It wouldn�t make much sense to bolt a pit onto the side of your existing dungeon; your guests wouldn�t go through it if it didn�t lead to the treasure. When the new room is like the Menagerie or Costume Room, it gives the house a new feature so it makes sense to increase the room limit. The dungeon pit isn�t a new feature at all, just a potential replacement for an existing type of room. Besides, even if we�d increased the limit, you might reasonably want more pits than we�d allowed.

We can increase the room limit by 1 if you like.

"Does this count as the Construction update?"

"I�ve no idea! Mark?"

"No, it isn't."

"Why weren�t some of the dragons updated?"

Check out QFC: 15-16-427-61262778. :)

♥ Many thanks to Mod Ash and Mod Mark for their time! ♥

Quick find code: 15-16-865-61263506