Runecrafting - Locating the Altars


You can use your talisman like a compass to find its matching altar. For example, you can use the mind talisman to direct you to the mind altar.

To use the compass feature of the talisman, right-click on the talisman and select the 'Locate' option. It will tell you which direction you have to walk to find the corresponding altar. The direction to take is displayed in the chat window, keep selecting the 'Locate' option until you arrive at the altar.

The table below is a guide to help you locate the altars, if you are having trouble.

Air Altar
Location: West of Varrock, near Sigurd the canoe maker.
Mind Altar
Location: North of Falador, west of the Ice Mountain.

Water Altar
Location: Lumbridge Swamp. South East of Lumbridge Swamp Dungeon entrance.
Earth Altar
Location: North-east of Varrock, near the Jolly Boar Inn.

Fire Altar
Location: North of Al Kharid, west of the Duel Arena.
Body Altar
Location: South of the Monastery, between Barbarian Village and the Dwarven Mine.

Cosmic Altar
Location: Inside Zanaris, The Lost City. South-east of the bank at the end of the twisting passage.
Chaos Altar
Location: North of Edgeville in the Wilderness, south of the Dark Warriors' Fortress. You will need to proceed through a maze.*

Astral Altar
Location: South-east area of Lunar Isle, reached on the Lunar Diplomacy quest.
Nature Altar
Location: East of Tai Bwo Wannai Village, north of Shilo Village on Karamja Island.

Law Altar
Location: North-east Entrana.
Death Altar
Location: Bottom floor of the Temple of Light.

Ourania Altar
Location: West of the Battlefield.

Blood Altar
Location: Beneath Castle Drakan, reached during Legacy of Seergaze.

* You will be able to take a safe route through a tunnel to the chaos altar if you have completed What Lies Below.

Once you have reached your location you will arrive at the 'Mysterious Ruins' that hide the altar's presence from the mundane world around it.

Use your talisman with the ruins by right-clicking on it and selecting 'Use talisman'. Then click on the mysterious ruins. You will be teleported into the altar. If you are using a tiara to enter the ruins you need to left-click on the mysterious ruins and you will automatically enter.

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