Adventurer's Log

1. What is the Adventurer's Log?

The Adventurer's Log is a feature on the RuneScape website which allows you to view your statistics, your recent activities, and your forum avatar. You are also able to view other players' Adventurer's Logs.

To access the Adventurer's Log, either click here or hover over the 'Community' tab at the top of the RuneScape front page and select 'Adventurer's Log'. You will need to log in to see your own details, or simply type in a player's name to view the details of someone else (as long as that player's profile is visible).

2. How can I compare myself with my friends?

To compare your statistics with that of another player, you will need to be logged in. You can do this from the RuneScape front page by clicking on the 'Log in' button on the top-right of your screen, or by logging in when you access the Adventurer's Log.

To compare your stats with another player, click on 'Compare Hiscores', underneath another player's stat levels. This button will take you to the compare page of the Hiscores, and you can click on any player's name to compare your statistics with them.

Alternatively, there is a 'Search other users' box in the top-right of the screen, which allows you to type in any player's name and find them with ease. This will take you to another player's Adventurer's Log, rather than their Hiscores, and their profile must be visible for you to access it.

3. How do I add avatars to my Adventurer's Log?

To add a full-size avatar and chathead avatar to your Adventurer's Log (seen in the top-left of the log, underneath the name of your character) you will need to access the in-game Photo Booth and create them there. For more information, read the Photo Booth article.

4. How can I change my privacy settings?

You may not wish for everyone to view your statistics and recent events. Your profile is defaulted to 'Public' but this can be changed using your 'Settings' button, located on the left-hand side of the Adventurer's Log, underneath your 'Time Played' statistic.

Click on this button and you will be able to toggle between 'Public', 'Friends Only' or 'Private':
  • Public - Everyone is able to view your profile. Your recent events will also be visible on other people's Adventurer's Logs.
  • Friends Only - Your profile will only be visible to people on your friends list. Your recent events will no longer appear in other people's Adventurer's Logs.
  • Private - Only you can view your profile and recent events.

5. Why can't I see another player's Adventurer's Log?

If you cannot see another player's Adventurer's Log, then it is likely that they have set their privacy settings to limit the number of people who see their profile. To view another player's Adventurer's Log, they must have their privacy settings set to 'Public', or to 'Friends Only' (as long as you are on their Friends List). Please see question 4 to find out how to set your privacy settings.

It is also possible that the player you are searching for has been banned, has not started playing RuneScape, or they are not currently a member.

6. Why are my details not up to date?

Your recent event details will not update until ten minutes after an event happens. This is the same for other players: you will have to wait ten minutes to view their updated recent events.

7. Can everyone see my Friends List and time spent in-game?

When you view another player's log, you will only be able to see their recent events. It is not possible to view anyone else's friends list, or the time they have spent in-game.

8. Why can't I see all of my friends' recent events?

The Adventurer's Log does NOT display recent events for every friend on your friends list. Instead, the Adventurer's Log shows the recent events for your 20 highest-ranked friends in clan chat. If you have more than 20 friends of an equal rank (for example, you may have 30 friends of a 'General' rank) then the most recently added friends are shown.

To make sure a friend's recent events are visible, it is recommended that you:
  • Rank them high up in your clan chat
  • Delete them from your friends list and then add them again, making them your most recently added friend
If you have no ranked friends, or fewer than 10 ranked friends, the Adventurer's Log will show the recent events of your 10 most recently added friends.