Dungeoneering - Complexity 3


Horrors are faced, and hopefully defeated
With increased complexity comes increased challenges, but also greater freedoms. Level 3 complexity floors enable you to make your own weapons - freeing you from a reliance upon the smuggler or the, *ahem*, 'generosity' of the creatures you 'persuade' to surrender equipment.

What to Expect in Complexity Level 3

As noted above, level 3 complexity enables you to use several more skills, specifically those that can be put to use making weapons and equipment: Smithing and Fletching, Mining, and Runecrafting. Information on other skills that can be employed at complexity level 2 can be found here: The smuggler offers an increased shop stock.

Making Weapons

Taking advantage of the ability to now gather ores from mineral deposits will now enable you to begin smithing your own weapons. As with the weapons encountered in all complexity levels, the raw resources are arranged by tiers, each with their own requirements and bonuses. You can examine resources to discover what tier they fall into.

As is common outside of Daemonheim, you will need a hammer in order to smith weapons upon the anvils, and a knife to fletch. You will also need to locate bowstrings if you want to make a bow. All of these supplies are available from the smuggler, and the starting room is equipped with a furnace, anvils and a spinning wheel.

For more information on Smithing in Daemonheim, click here.
For more information on Fletching in Daemonheim, click here.
For information on the mage, ranged and melee equipment of Daemonheim, click here. For more information on Smithing in RuneScape, outside of Daemonheim, click here.
For more information on Fletching in RuneScape, outside of Daemonheim, click here.


Mining is changed very little within Daemonheim, with the single caveat that Mining sites look very different, and that none of the ores available are the same as those outside of the dungeon. As usual, you will need a pickaxe to mine ores in Dungeoneering.

For more information on Mining in Daemonheim, click here.
For more information on Mining in RuneScape, outside of Daemonheim, click here.


Because of the magic that has flooded through Daemonheim over the centuries, there are sites of enormous power that have been adapted for use as rune altars. These are readily identifiable, and much more useful than you might imagine: each altar can be used to make any rune you should choose. To take advantage of this, right-click on the altar and select 'Imbue-runes'. You will be asked whether you wish to make elemental runes or combat runes, which will then present you with your options. The altars can also be used to imbue staves, which is accessed through another right-click option.

For more information on Runecrafting in Daemonheim, click here.
For more information on Runecrafting in RuneScape, outside of Daemonheim, click here.

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