Dungeoneering - Hunter Tables

Hunter in Daemonheim is only accessible to RuneScape Members. Please subscribe to get this feature.


To place traps in Daemonheim, you must be raiding a dungeon on the following complexity level:

Complexity level 4+ - Hunting

Click here to read more about Hunter in RuneScape.

Placing Traps

A bovimastyx trap is made using the Fletching skill, by using a knife on a branch. A trap can then be placed on the floor in a room with a bovimastyx - a large, cow-like creature - to trap it, ready for skinning. The higher the tier of the trap, the more likely you are to catch the mastyx. It is worth using a trap of a tier that is higher than the bovimastyx's tier.

Trap Level Required
Tangle gum trap
1 [Image: Hunter]
Seeping elm trap
10 [Image: Hunter]
Blood spindle trap
20 [Image: Hunter]
Utuku trap
30 [Image: Hunter]
Spinebeam trap
40 [Image: Hunter]
Bovistrangler trap
50 [Image: Hunter]
Thigat trap
60 [Image: Hunter]
Corpsethorn trap
70 [Image: Hunter]
Entgallow trap
80 [Image: Hunter]
Grave creeper trap
90 [Image: Hunter]

Skinning Hides

To skin the carcasses of bovimastyx in Daemonheim, you must be raiding a dungeon on the following complexity level:

Complexity level 4+ - Hunting

Once a bovimastyx has been caught using a trap, it is possible to use a knife on the carcass and gain a number of usable hides. You must have a suitable Hunter level to skin a carcass, and this Hunter requirement is not necessary if you simply kill the creature rather than trap it. These hides can then be used to make ranged equipment.


Levels Required

Experience Gained

Hunter reward

1 [Image: Hunter]
55 Big bones, protomastyx hide
10 [Image: Hunter]
94.5 Big bones, submastyx hide
20 [Image: Hunter]
164 Big bones, paramastyx hide
30 [Image: Hunter]
247 Big bones, archaemastyx hide
40 [Image: Hunter]
330 Big bones, dromomastyx hide
50 [Image: Hunter]
435.5 Big bones, spinomastyx hide
60 [Image: Hunter]
519 Big bones, gallimastyx hide
70 [Image: Hunter]
599.5 Big bones, stegomastyx hide
80 [Image: Hunter]
673 Big bones, megamastyx hide
90 [Image: Hunter]
745.5 Big bones, tyrannomastyx hide