In Pyre Need (Members)

An ancient avian of fiery disposition is in need of your help! Returning to its roost after a long time away from home, the phoenix encountered some trouble. Now it waits, weak and dying, isolated from the world. By chance, a priest with a suspicious amount of knowledge about the phoenix has appeared near its roost, and he is searching for an adventurer with the skills and the mettle to venture forth and aid the phoenix in its hour of need.
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Outside a cave south-west of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony
To Start: Speak to the priest of Guthix
Quest Length: Short
Minimum Requirements:
Level 55 Firemaking
Level 53 Fletching
Level 52 Crafting

Can you get to the root of the problem?

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Other Quest Points

14400 Firemaking
12500 Fletching
11556 Crafting

5 phoenix quills
Access to the Phoenix Lair once a day
Ability to summon the phoenix

Development Team
Developer: Lewis M
Graphics: Matthew M, Matthew N, Jeff K
Quality Assurance: Nicola T
QuestHelp: Katie B
Audio: Iain H