Love Story (Members)

The Wise Old Man of Draynor Village has retired from his long career as an adventurer, following the events of Swan Song. However, the peace* of his retirement is about to be shattered when an extremely unpleasant figure emerges from his past to wreak havoc on him (and you). Prepare to join forces with the Wise Old Man to fight, not just for your lives, but for the reputation of adventurers everywhere.

* It might have been more peaceful if he hadn't decided to rob a bank.
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: The barn north-east of Draynor Village
To Start: Speak to Mabel
Quest Length: Medium
Minimum Requirements:
Swan Song
Rescue Sir Amik Varze in Recipe for Disaster
Level 77 Magic
Level 68 Construction
Level 68 Smithing
Level 67 Crafting
Be able to fight a powerful level 246 opponent

WOM's past comes back to haunt him

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Items Other Quest points

50000 Construction
50000 Magic
40000 Smithing
40000 Crafting

30000 Coins

Ability to modify Teleport to House tablets
A new dark stone style for your POH
Ability to build dungeon pits in your POH
Discounts when employing servants

Development Team
Developer: Ashleigh B
Graphics: Alex R, Mike W
Quality Assurance: Daniel G, Daniel O, James H
QuestHelp: Dave O
Audio: Adam B, Ashleigh B