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Animals in Finnish

12-Oct-2009 13:32:03
Last edited on 22-Oct-2009 07:21:59 by Hyyra
Nobody has translated any animals in Finnish, well I do!

Alligator - Alligaattori
Antilopinae - Antilooppi
Bear - Karhu
Beaver - Majava
Bee - Ampiainen
Bird - Lintu
Bunny - Pupu/Kani/Kaniini
Butterfly - Perhonen
Camel - Kameli
Cat - Kissa
Chameleon - Kameleontti
Chicken - Kana
Crayfish - Rapu
Crocodile - Krototiili
Crow - Varis
Cockroach - Torakka
Common otter - Saukko
Cow - Lehmä
Coyote - Kojootti
Cuckoo - Käki
Dingo - Dingo
Dog - Koira
Dove - Kyyhkynen
Dromedary - Dromedaari
Duck - Ankka
Eagle - Kotka
Elephant - Norsu/Elefantti
Flamingo - Flamingo
Fish - Kala
Fox - Kettu
Frog - Sammakko
Gecko - Gekko
Giraffe - Kirahvi
Guinea pig - Marsu
Gull - Lokki
Hawk - Haukka
Hedgehog - Siili
Horse - Hevonen
Hyaena - Hyeena
Iguana - Leguaani/Iguaani
Jellyfish - Meduusa
Kangaroo - Kenguru
Koala - Koala/Pussikarhu
Lion - Leijona
Lizard - Lisko
Lobster - Hummeri
Lynx - Ilves
Magpie - Harakka
Mink - Minkki
Mole - Myyrä
Moneky - Apina
Monkfish - Merikrotti
Moose - Hirvi
Mosquito - Hyttynen
Mouse - Hiiri
Mule - Muuli
Owl - Pöllö
Penguin - Pingviini
Pig - Sika
Pike - Hauki
Platypus - Vesinokkaeläin
Polar bear - Jääkarhu
Rabbit - Jänis
Raccoon - Pesukarhu
Rat - Rotta
Raven - Korppi
Reindeer - Poro
Rhinoceros - Sarvikuono
Ringed seal - Norppa
Rooster - Kukko
Salmon - Lohi
Shark - Hai
Sheep - Lammas
Shrimp - Katkarapu
Snake - Käärme
Spider - Hämähäkki
Squirrel - Orava
Stoat - Kärppä
Swan - Joutsen
Swordfish - Miekkakala
Tiger - Tiikeri
Trout - Taimen
Tuna - Tonnikala
Turtle - Kilpikonna
Vulture - Korppikotka
Weasel - Lumikko
Whale - Valas
Whitefish = Siika
Wolf - Susi
Worm - Mato
Zander - Kuha


12-Oct-2009 16:53:45
Last edited on 22-Oct-2009 07:25:29 by Hyyra
Other animals

Demon - Demoni/Daimoni
Dragon - Lohikäärme
Unicorn - Yksisarvinen
  Mod Jouni
Jagex Mod

14-Oct-2009 18:33:29
Thanks Hyyra :)

Kinda cool idea to have name like EagleSword, but in Finnish (KotkaMiekka) for people who don't speak Finnish.

After all cool English names are used, we start to look foreign names and languages, like Finnish.

14-Oct-2009 22:21:21
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17-Oct-2009 15:47:40
Hi Don Auror!

Of course I need help, thanks Don Auror for your proposal ;)! And thanks for all other people too who has posted in this thread :)
21-Oct-2009 12:27:04
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22-Oct-2009 07:22:26
Thanks ;)
R4ng3d Pur34

22-Feb-2010 18:53:42
One of my favourite animals is remaining...

Donkey = aasi


24-Feb-2010 16:48:11
Hyyra, crocodile isn't krototiili:P
24-Feb-2010 22:17:12
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