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Funny Finnish words
  Mod Jouni
Jagex Mod

24-Apr-2009 11:55:22
Hi all,

I had to make this thread because I think some Finnish words and their usage are quite funny When some word have more than just one meaning.
I guess its same thing with English too...

Example word

Finnish - English
Munkki - doughnut OR monk

When using this words in phrases results can be hilarious :D
Like, I ate couple monks this morning.
or Doughnuts and nuns spread wildly when...

Any others?

Mod Jouni
Rct Schulzer

24-Apr-2009 13:37:56
Does that mean that ingame, monkfish could be misread as donutfish?


24-Apr-2009 13:40:30
I thought it means donutfish :O

24-Apr-2009 14:01:19
noob ;S

24-Apr-2009 14:15:46
Moro Jouni :) Löysinpäs sentään jotain postia täältäkin sinulta. Sattuisko olemaan muutakin? Jos on niin laita ihmeessä :)

Btw, aika läppä toi :D

24-Apr-2009 17:59:55
Last edited on 25-Apr-2009 12:48:53 by Guildboss
Some examples:

karuselli = merry-go-around
karu selli = a cruel prison cell

silmiinpistävä = attention drawing
silmiin pistävä = something that stings you in the eye

saapas = a boot
saapas = he/she got a permission to do something

"Sain sen valmiiksi." "Nyt vasta?"
="I finished it." "This late?"

"Mitä tarvitset seuraavaksi?" "Nyt vasta!"
="What do you need next?" "I need a birch whisk used in sauna"

Tämä on rikki = This is broken
Tämä on rikki = This is sulphur

Tuo on särki = That is broken
Tuo on särki = That is a roach

Se on kuusi = It is six o' clock
Se on kuusi = It is a pine

Some funny phrases:

Kokko, kokoo koko kokko kokoon! Koko kokkoko? Koko kokko. Ok! Kokoon koko kokon kokoon.
= Kokko, gather the whole balefire up! The whole balefire? The whole balefire! Ok! I will gather the whole balefire up.

Älä rääkkää kääkkää, kääkänrääkkääjä! No ehä mää rääkkääkkää kääkkää.
= Don't torture that old bird, you old bird torturer! But I'm not torturing the old bird!

Yksikseskös itkeskelet, itsekseskös yskiskelet?
= Are you crying alone, coughing by yourself?

Naisasianajajan naisasianaisen ananas
= A female lawyer's female attorney's pineapple

Tuu kattoon kattoon! Mun kaveri tapettiin tapettiin!
= Come to have a look at the ceiling. My friend was killed against wallpaper.

24-Apr-2009 18:04:26
Last edited on 24-Apr-2009 18:04:35 by Parkkipoika
Tämmönen helppo alkuun/easy one for the beginning

Terve! = Hello!
Terve (adjektiivi) = Healthy (adjective)

25-Apr-2009 15:43:54
We must not forget the legendary:

Tuli = Fire
Tulli = Customs
Tuuli = Wind

Also I have an indian friend who had an argument with his girlfriend. He said to his girlfriend: "olen Paholainen" Which means "I am the devil". He was ment to say "olen pahoillani" which means he is sorry.
  Mage Rughar
Forum Mod

28-Apr-2009 19:00:52
Well, monkfish in Finnish is 'merikrotti'.

Let's see if I can think of something here.

Oh right,

'alas' in English is old-fashioned way to express sadness or regret. In Finnish the same word means 'down'.

While Finnish 'alas' is a direction, you can say that a sad person is "feeling down".

Funny connection IMO.

/|\*´) Fanaatikko on se, joka ei voi muuttaa mieltään eikä suostu muuttamaan aihetta
/ \ (¸.•´ Voinette kutsua minua nimellä Fanaattinen Rughar täällä foorumilla

29-Apr-2009 04:41:29
Ha Ha mage, I'm feeling Atlas right now. :P
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